Chapter 17

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"What? Y-your breaking up with me?" Blaise asked, id finally reached a decision and started off with the normal 'its not you its me' which hadnt worked out. "Why?" he asked "look Blaise" i let go of his hands "i just dont love you anymore" i gave a cold laugh "i never did i just said it for the shags but anyway havent you been getting a bit bland in the bedroom?" i asked with a smirk which was completely false. He looked completely shocked "what? You didnt really think that all those things i said was true? All that mushy stuff not really my thing see ya" i said and walked to my room with a wide smirk although i was crying on the inside, as i opened the common room door though, i got a good look at him and saw that he was crying and that broke my heart in two.

I walked up to my room and then into the bathroom, i took off my robe and shoes so i was only in my underwear then i reached into the cupboard on the wall and grabbed my razor. I put it against my left forearm and cut a long gash into the skin with the edge so it was a straight line large drops of blood fell onto the floor and i stumbled into a shower but i didnt turn on the water i just sat there watching my blood spill onto the floor and wondering how much blood i would have to spill before i died. As i was starting to black out i saw someone open the curtain of my shower and gasp, i shook my head slightly so i could see who it was, Pansy Parkinson, she kneeled down infront of me "what did you do?" she asked as if to a 5 year old i started to cry not from my pain but when i realized what i did. "I broke up with Blaise but but i love him" i said between sobs she stroked my back and i put my head on her shoulder then she started to wipe the blood away then she wrapped a few bandages around my arm. "Im no madam pomfrey but i dont really think you want me to take you to her" she said and i nodded "Pansy im so sorry ive been so mean to you" i said "boy you must really be woozy" she said rolling her eyes and i smiled "its alright" she smiled back. "But why did you break up with Blaise i mean only a few hours ago you were so happy and in love and stuff and now you broke up?" she said and i dont know why but i told her everything that dumbledore had told me even that i wasnt suppposed to tell anyone. "So thats why" she said "i think that was incredibly stupid" she said and i shrugged then she helped me up and into my bed and before i knew it i was asleep.


Tears streamed down my face as she walked away as soon as i knew she was gone i went in aswell but i ignored Draco's calls instead i went up to my room and grabbed the whisky bottle from my bedside. I loosend my tie and took off the robe then i sat on the edge of my bed and took a big swallow from it and just then Draco stepped in "what happened?" he asked. "That bich broke up with me" i slurred "dont call her that you dont mean it" he said and undid his tie, a few more tears fell from my eyes "i just dont understand. i thought we were happy you know? But then she breaks up with me and says she didnt love me ever whats all that about?". I started to cry uncontrolably and i felt Draco slap me hard across the face "listen Zabini stop being such a dam girl, the Blaise i know wouldnt cry over a girl he would get revenge so go out there and get laid until your member bleeds" he said grabbing me from the front of my shirt. "Your right Draco your right" i said "ofcourse i am now let go of the bottle and go to sleep" he said.

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