Chapter 65

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When i reappeared in the Great Hall i wasnt wearing my leather pants but instead a simple slightly flowy black sundress with black flats. I looked like some kind of dark angel with my arms so clean except for my 2 tattoos.

"Mum, look at her arm" Bill said referring to my dead body.

My face was white, completely drained of blood, my corset was totalled and had been taken off by someone, my lace shirt was ripped to shreds but i still had it on, deep gashes covered my stomach and my arms. My face was clear of any cuts. My left arm still had the burns, scabs, bleeding skin that it had because of the fake galleon but its fingers also contained my engagement ring, wedding ring and the right one had my tattoo.

"What about her arm Bill?" Molly asked not quite paying attention to my body, she was too busy crying over Fred.

"Well her hand wasnt that the Weasley engagement ring?"

Molly looked down at my hand and saw that indeed i did have the engagement ring on my middle finger

"But-but i thought you had it George?"

"No" George shook his head "well i did but then i gave it to Fred when he told me all about this girl he'd fallen in love with, how they were soul mates"

"Oh i highly doubt they were" she said

"Mum its written on their necks, Fred only got 1 tattoo, this one just popped up"

"Oh my god" she said and gasped then she saw that our right arm's matched and she gasped again.

They werent around my body, they were still around Fred's but just conversing about mine. We were halfway across the room from each other, my body was in a solitary area since noone was fully certain whether id been good or bad.

My body was surrounded by Blaise, Draco, Blaise's mom, and Luna. Blaise and Draco were sobbing and Blaise was being held by his mother while Luna grabbed his hand.

"She was a very beautiful young lady" McGonagoll said and kneeled next to my body "and very brave as well"

"Yes she was" Marilynn said "she stood up to her father for almost a year, refusing to join him until they took Blaise, and even then it was only so they wouldnt hurt me and my family. And what she did tonight- i have no words" she said and ran her hand over her son's head.

"BLAISE!!!!" a small voice screeched followed by the hurried footsteps of a little girl.

Blaise looked up and smiled sadly and opened his arms wide as Kat catapulted into his arms, she was followed Jo then Tawny.

"Blaise oh my god i missed you so much!" Jo said- wait Jo?

"Jo!" Blaise said surprised

"When you left, i got so mad and when i wanted to yell it just came out i guess i couldnt speak because of trauma or something" she shrugged "I-is that Dennis over there? Mum can i go?" she trailed off

"Yes sweetheart go ahead"

Tawny wrapped her arms around Draco and he cried into her.

"I cant believe she-she's gone" Blaise hiccuped "Its all my fault- that she joined the Death Eaters in the first place- hic" Blasie cried "and-and wh-while she was gone. Hic how did i repay her? By being with a-another- hic girl" he sobbed.

"I should've gone with her when she told me she wanted to fight in the first place. I shouldnt have talked to her the way i did. It was so stupid of me!"

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