Chapter 47

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A/N Sorry didnt put last chapter's outfit:

Then our Lips touched.

It was not a soft kiss. It was rough in a way not at all like the kisses id had with Blaise, Blaise was soft with me not Fred though he kissed me roughly but in a good rought way. He pinned me down and i scratched his face, he growled then slapped me and i punched him and managed to flip him over. I pinned his arms over his head and kept kissing him but him being bigger than me got me under him again. This time i didnt fight him instead i just growled and moaned as he kissed me. HIs hands went down to my very tight fitting shirt and he tugged at the laces somewhat roughly so they snapped off and my shirt opened to reveal my bare breasts. At this we both seemed to realize what was happening and we unglued ourselves from each other. "T-this shouldnt have happened! I-i Blaise could still be alive!" i said and stood up trying to fix my shirt "you dont have to be afraid" he said standing infront of me so he towered over me "just let things take their course" he said as i was putting my coat back on. "This isnt the course this wouldve taken though" i said and looked up at him "maybe this is just a quicker way to" he said and tilted my chin up to peck me ont he lips softly and thats all it took...

I woke up a long time later and found myself in an unknown bed with an unknown person sleeping next to me. It took me a few moments to remember what had happened last night but just as it once had with Blaise images of *** ran through my theses though werent passionate love making these were Rough delicious, glorious f^cking. I held my head and groaned "it was the fire whisky thats all it was" i told myself "thats what youll say if anyone asks then" the sleeping figure next to me said and stood up. He had a dazed look in his eyes too as if he barely knew what had happened earlier. "You Weasley are ashamed of having slept with me the Dark Lord's daughter?" i cackled and a moment later i found myself smashedn against the wall across the vbed him gripping my neck. "I am not scared of you, just because your voldemort's daughter doesnt mean sh!+ to me comprende?" he said and i tried to speak scratchng at his arm and hand "i said Comprende?" he smacked me against the wall again and i gasped and cried out a bit. "Yes" i said in a raspy voice and he let me go quite suddenly so i fell on the ground coughing loudly and holding my throat which i was sure would have purple marks tomorrow.

He sat down on the edge opf his bed and ran his hands through his hair "I dont know what the hel is happening to me" he muttered "ibe never laid a hand on anyone who didnt deserve it and now this" he said and was totally ffreaking out. "I know" i rasped "what you mean" i cougyhed "I mean im slytherin i shouldnt be telling my secrets but i-" i blacked out then still clutching my neck.

When i woke up i was in the bed again and a blanket was on me and was covering me completly. Fred was in a corner of the room, he was no longer naked but was in the fetal position with his handsa burried in his hair. He didnt hear me get out of bed though so i kneeled infront of him and put a hand on his and he looked up surprised "whats the matter?" i asked and he shook his head "nothing" he stood up and i know saw that all that time in Quidditch payed off he had toned muscles no wonder itd hurt so much when he grabbed me earlier. "Tell me" i said softly standing up after him "i did research on the whole thing thats going on and..." he drifted off "and?" i asked "nothing! All i can get from the little research i did is that its some form of Ancient Magic" he said and i sighed then sat down on the bed, he sat down next to me. "I bet it means that were born enemies or something" i said and ran my own hand through my hair. "I should go" i said standing up "you dont have to you can stay i mean theres still a few hours until you have to leave for Hogwarts" he said and i nodded then went to the top of the bed and pulled the blanket tight around me tucking it in at my feet. He grabbed another Pillow and blanket but i stopped him "you can sleep here too i mean im not that big to take up the whole bed" i said and he smiled slightly then layed down next to me and i layed my head on the pillow facing him. He faced me on his pillow too but we didnt speak we just layed there looking at each other, it wasnt exactly loving or hateful it was just peaceful. For that moment we could ignore the screams coming from outside as the Death Eaters punished anyone out at this hour, i wasnt exactly sure when it was but it was past 11pm i knew that for sure. Eventually however i did fall fast asleep and when i woke up a little later i was wrapped in his arms he was holding me to his chest softly and i breathed in his scent then fell asleep as i fet for once in a very long time, loved.

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