Chapter 61

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"NO!!!!!!!! FRED!!!!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs "FRED!!!"

"Jaya please relax" Draco said holding me bac from running to his body.

"No! NO! AVADA KADAVRA!!!!" i screamed and killed the one responsible for Fred's death.

That is the first time i have EVER used that spell...

"Jaya please" Draco said and pressed me to his chest holding my teary self close.

"Its not fair!" i screamed, my voice was hoarse by now "its not fair!"

"I know its not shhh sweety shhh" Draco said and combed my hair back.

Draco pulled me out of the hallway and to an alcove. "Jaya" he whispered.

"Y-your arm it's bleeding" he said and I looked at my left arm which indeed was bleeding.

"Did you take the potions latey?"

I shook my head "I ran out and forgot to ask for more" I said and started to cry more "now it's spread more and bleeding" I cried.

My left sleeve was completely drenched in blood though you'd only be able to tell f you felt my arm's moistness.

"What what happened?" I asked Draco.

"Nothing. I tried to get Harry, didn't work out and he saved my life" he said "but look I'll fight for you now"

I looked up at him and I could tell something had scared him, he was scared to fight but he'd do it for me.

"What happened Draco? Tell me" I whispered

"Crabbe's dead" he said "he tried to kill Harry and ended up killing himself"

"Oh Draco" I said and hugged him.

"Look it's just you and me now right?" he asked and I nodded "stick together hun" he said and stuck out his pinky.

"Right. But if I die Draco, you take care of this baby okay?" I asked tapping my belly

"B-but if you die-"

"I took a precaution against losing her. If I die she lives on. She will need to be preserved in a special potion for 7 years. It's this type of curse that I put on her but it will allow for her to live. Will you take care of her?" I asked

"Yes" he nodded "yes yes I will take care of her. She is my niece after all isn't she?" he smiled and I smiled back.

"I-I'm going to go now" I said

"What? Why?" he asked

"We both have our separate battles to fight, our own callings Draco" I answered simply and walked away.

I disappeared completely from anyone's view. Though in my view I could clearly see Harry, Hermione and Ron. I followed them through the castle and saw the oaf of a groundskeeper being dragged away. I saw them nearly be devoured by dementia but thanks I Luna, Ernie and Seamus' patronuses they didn't. I would have helped but see I don't think I have a single happy memory left in me.

My left arm was bleeding profously and blood dripped off my finger tips slowly, my right sleeve was torn off and my corset's back was ripping from all the movement i had been making, the bottom of my skirt and cloak were singed and my boots heel was melting, my tights were ripped more than usual. How could i find a happy memory in the depth of my mind?

I felt a burning on my left forearm. Did my dad figure out that I was working with the blood traitors? Was this the time that he finally killed me? Or maybe someone had caught Potter while be was out of my view.

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