Chapter 10

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A few weeks later me and blaise were still dating and wed actually only shagged once which mustve been a record for him. Today i felt really bad though i kept running to the bathroom to puke and now i was about to have a lesson with the gryfindor's and Blaise and Draco which was Potions. I walked down to the class stumbling slightly because my head was hurting and i felt super hot, suddenly i felt someone wrap an arm around me i looked up and saw Blaise "hey" i croaked out.

Somehow i made it threw Potions class without any Puking but then as we were passing Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom i had a sudden urge to throw up i ran into the Bathroom. I ran to a sink since i was pretty sure i wouldnt make it to a stall then i started to throw up, when id finished i wiped my mouth and let the water run so that the puke went down the pipe. Then i started to sway, i gripped the sink but too late i fell down hitting my head on the sink on the way down the last thing i remember was fallling into a pool of blood, a crash and then footsteps coming close to me and then it all went black.


Jay ran into the bathroom and me and Draco waited for her to come out for a little but then she didnt come out so we went to the door i heard a crash and then i heard a clink. I looked at Draco who looked frightened "beat down the dam door" he said, we tried to open it but it was locked so we ahd to push against it to get it open we had to crash into it. She was lying on the floor with blood all around her, the sink was cracked and she was on the floor with blood around her, her eyes were fluttering shut. I picked her up quickly in a Bridal carry then i walked towards the door were a bunch of students were by now. I walked to the Hispital Wing and laid her down on a bed and Draco went to get Madam Pomfrey. Madam Pomfrey gave her a bunch of potions so now she was asleep but with a high fever, me and Draco stayed by her bedside the whole night. Around Midnight as her fever got lower her lips started to move as if to form words then she let out a whisper "bini" she said then it was like she cleared her throat "Zabini" she whispered clearly. I looked at Draco wide eyed he on the other hand seemed too interested in his nails to notice "zabini" she whispered again, i grabbed her hand with both of mine "im here baby" i whispered "im here" i said.


I woke up after a while of weird unmemorable dreams and i felt a wight on my right thigh and i looked down to see Blaise asleep with his head on my leg while he sat in a chair. On my other side Draco had his head back with his mouth wide open fast asleep. I nudged Blaise and i found that my leg was asleep, i nudged blaise again and he stirred slightly, i sighed then shoved his face off my leg making him fall off the chair. "Whasamatter?" he said looking up and i started to laugh "git" he said and i started to laugh harder "anyway" i said when my laughter had died down "what happened to me?" i asked "you were poisoned apparently, nobody knows how or who or even why" he said. "Hmm i cant think of an answer to that either" i said tapping my chin "oh well" i said, then i leaned over and flicked Draco on the chin ever so slightly but hard making him fall back chair and all. "Ah much better" i said then i snuggled into my pillow and fell back asleep.

They wouldnt let me out for like a week so i missed the second task in the Tournament but Blaise and Draco provided many details although Draco's opinions on how potter won unfairly were hardly necessary. "SHUT IT MALFOY" i growled as he kept whining "your giving me a headache" i said rubbing my temples, Blaise wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me in closer to him, kissing me on the cheek. "Yuck keep the affection to yourselves" Draco said putting a hand over his eyes "look whos talking" i said then just to annoy him i got onto Blaise's lap and he wrapped both his arms around me and put his chin on my shoulder. "Anyway how much homework do i still need to do?" i asked and Draco put a bunch of books and papers infront of me and my eyes got wide "well thats the one you actually do which is defense against the dark arts homework and Potions i already got a few girls to do your charms and runes and Blaise got a few others to do everything else" he told me. "And that is the good thing about having Hot friends and being Hot" i said as i knelled in front of the big pile "I might shoot Snape and Moody" i said my eyes widening at all the HW. "Shoot?" Draco asked and i made a gun with my fingers and pointed it at him then i squinted my eyes and made a boom noise "oh" he said.

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