Chapter 42

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"Now then dear you can not possibly be a death eater and be dressed that way. You need proper death eater attire" my mother said after the meeting had finisheed. "And what would be proper death eater attire?" i asked "well obviously as youve seen on Draco for men it is a pure blakc suit during day time and ofcourse then they have to wear teh death eater masks when they are with us" she said "with woman its blakc billowing skirts liek what i wear with blakc cloaks" she said. She handed me an outfit whihcx i had no choice but to put on.

Once i had it on she allowed me to go to Draco's room. When i went in there i found the room empty or atleast thats what i thought. "Draco?" i whispered and heard sobbing. I rushed over to the other side of the bed and saw Draco huddled there crying. "Draco?" i asked and he stopped immediatly "Jaya!" he said and stood up trying to cover up the fact that hed been crying "why are you here?" he asked "Draco why were you crying?" i asked him not willing to let it slide. "I-i wasnt crying" he said though his eyes were clearly red and swollen "Draco dont lie to me, you know you can trust me" i said and ran a hand over the side of his face. "Do i? You left me stuck here alone being hte only teenage death eater and ran off with your boyfriend you havent talked to me in weeks and now you expect me to trust you?" he said "Ive never cared about Blood Status how did you expect em to join them? You know very well what your fahter did to me!" i said. "And Blaise was taken" i ended emotionlessly "today the Death Eaters took him i dont know where though" i said "so then why are you here?" he asked in teh same tone. "Im Dead inside already" i answered through shut teeth.
"So why were you crying?" i asked softly "i cant take it Jay" he said and sat down at the edge of the bed "Youve always been stronger than me. If you were in my place youd be able to take it but i cant" he said and ran his ahnds through his hair. I sat down next to him "no im not. When that happened to me i acted liek a stupid little girl shutting all that bad stuff out i should have faced it earlier" i said "Jay thats different your strong when you need to protect the ones you love not when its your own mess" Draco said. "Well i will protect you Draco" i said and turned his head to face me "Im not going to let them break you" i said and hugged him. He hugged me back and cried into my shoulder.

When i woke up i found myself in a room i at first didnt recognize but when i saw Draco's white blonde hair i remembered the day before. I stroked his face then i leaned back on the pillows again. I let myself cry silently over Blaise for a split second then i got up and went into the bathroom. I got ready and ignored my straightening iron that had been brought hte night before along with many of my other things. I instead fluffed my hair up just as my mother has it, pinned back in some places so that it wasnt all up in my face. I looked at the clothes my mother had given me the day before. There were many moer like it in a Wardrobe that had been put into Draco's room.

I decided to change it up surely my father as desperate as he was to get my approval would let me change it. I grabbed a pair of scissors and a needle with thread and well you an guess what i started to do.

An hour later i was in the giormous room once again this time dressed in
My Mother gasped when i took my seat next to her what with the outfit and my black makeup. "What What is that?!" she almost yelled "oh this? YOu like it? I thought id put my own spin on it i mean that is jus too too grandmotherly" i said and scrunched up my nose. "G-grandmothery?" she said blankly and i raised an eyebrow in her direction.
Clearly here i had much much more power than she did i guess being Voldemort's f^ck buddy doesnt quite reach being Voldemort's daughter. I was going to enjoy this very very much.
To my surprise this meeting was soon joined byan old Professor, Professor Severus Snape to be exact. They all talked about a certain plan they had to capture Potter "i want to come" i said ignoring the Muggle-Lover that was being levitated in mid-air. "As much as i love you blood lust Jaya. I am afraid that this job may be just a bit too much for you" Father said "I dont care how much you think i can handle but i can handle much more than that" i said and my mother looked like she very much so wanted to hit me. "Very well then" Voldemort said and i smirked to myself.

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