Chapter 25

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A couple of weeks later it was the day of my party and for some reason Blaise was very smily and jumpy, hed woken up very early and started to work out or something that made alot of noise so eventualy i got up but it was still early.

Me and Tawny got ready together and so we got dressed in

she i noticed was also very smily. "What is up with everyone being smily?" i asked Draco he simply shrugged but i could tell he was hiding something but i decided not to push it. Eventually tons of people started to come most of which i didnt know, occasionaly there were some people that i knew from school but everyone else was unknown to me. Mrs.Zabini Jo and Kat came out of the house about an hour into the party dressed in

Mrs.Zabini could truly rock anything. The Present table started to get bigger and bigger as more and more people came and deposited their gifts, eventually though things got settled and we sat down to eat, there were tables all over but one was at the front of the yard Me, Blaise, Tawny, Jo, Kat, Mrs.Zabini and Draco sat at that table. Me and Draco were talking in hushed voices about his little problem when it happened. "All im saying is that why in the hell would you join them?" i said "it wasnt my choice besides if i dont- none of your business" he said. "Madre potresti solo ottenere tutte queste persone di iniziare a parlare o qualcosa che davvero non desidero attirare l'attenzione in quello che sto per fare" (Mother could you just get all these people to start talking or something I really dont want to attract attention in what im about to do) Blaise said to his mother and Draco, and Tawny seemed to perk up "whatd he say?" i asked, he had obviously just spoken Italian. "Nothing" they both answered together " Che cosa stai per fare?" (What are you about to do?) Kat asked "Non sono affari tuoi." (none of your businees) Blaise snapped. "Va bene" (okay) responded his mother and i think she muttered a spell because after that everyone seemed to be talking to each other paying no attenton to the front table. After a few moments Blaise leaned over and wrapped an arm around my back and whispered in my ear "You were my first kiss (1st year, Spin the bottle) You were my first girfriend, You were the first person i made Love (A/N:as in actual make love not just ***) to, You were the first person i said i love you to and actually meant it, now will you take this promise ring and promise to be my first wife?". I looked down and saw that he had just taken a box out of his pocket and opened it to show a ring, i didnt pay much attention to it, i mostly just wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged/kissed him so tightly the two of us and his chair went backwards, as we fell he wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed me back. When we were getting up he pulled me closer and said "so ill take that as a yes?" he asked "no take that as a bloody Duh!" i said and wrapped my arms around his neck "i take it you want the ring?" he said i pretended to think then "well i guess, people would expect it wont they?" i asked "it is traditional" he responded. He took the box out of his pocket again and showed it to me, it had a black titanium band

( inside it had an inscription that said ill take my chances on the outside there was a big orblike thing that was black but not too big to not look good, there was also a diamond placed on top of the orb. "I love it" i said and kissed him on the lips then he put the ring onto my hand "I love you" he said, then a bunch of people clapped and i turned around glaring daggers but Tawny just rolled her eyes and Draco looked tearful "aww gonna cry Drackie Poo?" i mocked as i sat back down "well my 2 best friends are engaged now so now i feel like a single sap" he said and Tawny looked quite annoyed as he turned aorund with a nervous smile on his face she flipped him off and continued wth her food. "Jaya could i speak to you and Blaise for a moment?" Mrs.Zabini asked "sure" i said and pulled Blaise up with me, she led us up to the house then into her study. She removed the family tree tapestry to reveal a small vault, she turned the dial then opened it and after digging around inside it for a moment she took out a very old looking box, she opened it and removed several layers of tissue before she took out a locket,

she brought it over to us and placed it in my hands, "this is the Zabini family locket it has traveled down the family tree for ages and now that you will become part of the family it is your responsibility to keep passing it down" she said. "Inside" she opened it to reveal many many frames "is a picture of every marriage that this has belonged to, this one here is Blaise's father and i on our wedding day" she pointed to one that seemed to have an older version of Blaise in it and a younger but still very beautiful version of Mrs.Zabini in a beautiful dress. "Wow" i said as i saw al the different pictures of all the different times, some were on their wedding day some on the day they were engaged and others were just at random points. "Yours will go there" she pointed at the slot next to Blaise's father and mother, "wow this is such a beautiful locket" i closed it up again and saw that on the back it had a large Z on it "im afraid ill loose it" i said "not to worry dear" she laughed "its enchanted to always come back to their owner" she assured me.

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