Chapter 5

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I nodded at Annabell then i went into the fireplace i grabbed some floo powder and dropped it in then i yelled "Malfoy Manor" and i was gone then i appeared in my living room. My father was sitting in an armchair across from the fireplace with his wand cane in his lap "were were you?" he asked "at Blaise's" i replied striding out of the fireplace "really you were" he asked raising an eyebrow. "Yes i was" i said "well i called Mrs.Zabini and she said that you were both off visiting a friend" he said "tell me Draco who was this friend?" he asked "ive no idea what your talking about" i replied coolly. "Do not lie to me boy" my father growled standing up now so that he was towering over me "you were with that Jaya werent you?" he asked in a low voice "so what if i was?" i growled back. He knocked me to the floor with a punch to the jaw "dont give me cheek boy" he said looking down on me "what cheek?" i asked he kicked me in the ribs "you know perfectly well what im talking about" he said "and ive already told you that i do not want you hanging around that mud blood lover" he said. "Shes my best friend you cant just stop me from hanging out with her that easily" i said softly but he heard and started to hit me with his cane then he started to kick me then he whipped his wand out and yelled "crucio" then when i was bloody and cut up he stopped breathless. I stood up with trouble "im going back to blaise's if thats alright" i said "yes very well maybe hanging out with a Zabini will teach you not to be around those on a lower class than you" he said and shoved me back into the fireplace and threw powder over me and i yelled "Zabini Manor". A moment later i stumbled out and what i saw both disgusted and hurt me, blaise was there and in his arms he was holding the sleeping Annabell her Pale skin making a beautiful contrast against his dark skin, he was holding her tenderly with one arm and with his other hand he was moving his hand over her dark and curly hair with a look of utter adoration on his perfect features. He looked up and his eyes widened "dude what happened?" he asked as he let go of Annabell making her fall on the pillow and wake up "whasthematter?" she said sitting up groggily. "Draco what happened to you?" she asked sitting up wide awake now "nothing Annabell go back to sleep" i gasped out but i couldnt help it i dropped onto the floor trying to catch my breath.


"Nothing Annabell go back to sleep" he said saying my middle name as always, then he dropped to the floor and i tried to stand up but my foot had no bones so i couldnt. Instead Blaise walked over to him and stood him back up then he led Draco to the bed were he layed him down at the foot of it "Dad again?" Blaise asked and draco nodded. I crawled over to Draco with a little trouble but then i sat next to him and saw that he was super bloody and messed up "Draco Lucius Malfoy i may be missing the bones of one foot but i still will kick your butt all the way to China Westward i you do not tell me what happened" i warned him. He sighed "no you have no reason to know" he said "no reason? youre all bloody and scratched id say i have plenty of reason to know seeing as your one of my best friends" i said "just sod off" he looked the other way. I felt tears form in my eyes "fine you dont want me to care i wont" i said then i turned around and let the tears fall silently, i heard Blaise getting bandages out then he did a few spells and i heard some guzzling so im pretty sure Draco drank a few potions "youll get in trouble for doing spells'" i said. "This home has a special spell on it that makes us underage wizards do magic" Blaise said to me "there all good" he said. I felt the tears start to lessen then i felt a hand on my shoulder i looked up and found myself looking at Draco's Gray eyes "look im sorry for talking to you that way its just its hard to talk about" he said. "Tell me Draco i care about you i really do" i said "M-my father he he hurts me and my mother he he beat me because i went to visit you" he said. "Oh Draco you found out about me and Ms.Suzie but you wouldnt tell me about this how stupid" i said though i was smiling he smiled back and i hugged him tightly. "Oh dear now i remember i i need to get back to the orphanage" i said letting him go "no you are not" both of them said together "but the kids" i said "theyll be alright for now rest" Blaise said and pushed me down lightly. My head hit the pillow and i fell back asleep.

The rest of the summer me and Draco stayed with Blaise and his family and it was actually really fun because they all loved each other for a very pretty witch his mother was actually the nicest person ive met.

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