Chapter 29

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For the next few weeks the 4 of us hung out and when me and Blaise were alone id teach him SIgn Language and hed teach me Italian so by the end of the summer we were both good at Sign Language and italian.

On the day that we were going back to School i got dressed in

then Me, Blaise, Tawny and Jo got into the car since Mrs.Zabini had to stay behind because Kat was sick and we went to pick up Draco then when wed had him we went to King's Cross. It took a while so on the way i talked well signed to Jo how she felt about going to Hogwarts and what house shed be in. Finally we got there and Tawny stopped us from leaving the car "look i just wanna let you guys know that Draco is going to pretend to be dating Pansy because people would talk way too much Crap about the age difference and all that stuff" she said and once wed nodded she let us out. "Well well well if it isnt the slut" Daphne said when we arrived at the Barrier (Jo clutching Blaise's hand) "nothing stops you from showing off that fat stomach does it?" she asked referring to my belly-less shirt "your one to talk sure your not pregnant?" i asked then i shoved her out of my way and made my way to an empty Compartment, there was one with a couple first years but i yelled at them to scat so they left, Draco, Blaise, Jo, Tawny, Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle. I was on Blaise's lap Jo on Tawny's and Pansy was on Draco's (Tawny glared) so that we would all fit. In no time the Train started to move and a little 2nd year came in with a note for Blaise "apparently Slughorn wants to see me in his compartment" Blaise said with furrowed eyebrows "ooh what does he wanna do to you Zabini?" i mocked and he glared at me before getting up and leaving. After a while i finally got tired of it so i stood up "Im going to go with Elena wanna come Tawns?" i asked and she stood up and led Jo out into the hall were we started to look for Elena. She was in a Compartment alone so the three of us sat down infront of her "Hey Lena" i said she smiled up at me and said Hi back "so who are these two?" she asked gesturing to Tawny and Jo "oh theyre Blaise's sisters Tawny and Jo" i said "oh Hey Tawny" she said then in a softer voice to Jo "hey Jo? Is that for Joanne or something?" Elena asked and Jo nodded. "Doesnt she talk?" she asked "oh no Jo is a mute" i said "oh" she said and nodded knowingly "so Fred's out of school" i said "yup" she nodded again "so what are you going to do?" i asked "what do you mean?" she asked "well your not exactly a Troll so what are you going to do? Are you going to be with other guys or..." i said "Ofcourse not!" she yelled "would you if Blaise wasnt at school?" she asked "well no but our relationship is different" i said. "Oh? How is it different just becasue your both Pure Blood Slytherins who get everything you want?!" she yelled and stood up "look you litttle bich (A/N:Sorry Elena!) I was saying that its different because me and Blaise are engaged (i showed her the ring) and i do not get everything i want! For the first 13 years of my Life i was abused!" i yelled then i stormed out of the Compartment follwed by Tawny and Jo then we went to get our own Compartment. Before i left though, i could hear Elena mumble "i didnt think Zabini's could love".

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