Chapter 48

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I was on Patrol Duty at King's Cross.

Basically i made sure no 'Mudbloods sneaked into the Train and i was to beat anyone who talked back to us.

As i did this i kept thinking about the night before and how id left early in order to avoid having to see Fred again after that.

But alas i couldnt avoid him. When i was making the Weasley Mother show me the contents of her bag the Weasley Twins passed a more severe Death Eater. "Hey! Bow your head in respect!" he yelled and they turned around ot face him and gave him a 'who me?' look "i said bow your head in respect you stinking Blood Traitors!" he said taking out his wand they very slowly bowed their heads ever so slightly with a look of disgust on thier faces identical even in this way "now apologize" he said slowly and the twins got a look in their eyes. "Im sorry" Fred said and George looked at him frightened "that you are usch an insuferable suck up that wouldnt be able to get laid if he paid for it" then bam! Weasley on the ground writhing in pain as the Death Eater Crucio'd him. "Stop that!" i demanded striding over to them ignoring the plump woman who was screaming at the sight of her son. "I SAID STOP IT!!! THATS AN ORDER!!!" i yelled extremly loudly but he didnt so i punched him right in the jaw and heard something snap then i snapped my fingers and the other Death Eaters dragged him into a hallway "You do not ignore direct orders from me you fool!" i yelled and pointed my wand at him and he began to writhe in pain. "How would you like it if i told my father you dilibratly disobeyed orders from him?!?!?!?!?!" i screamed at the top of my lungs even if others could hear i didnt care. "I shouldnt have to listen to a stupid little girl like you. Im a much better follower than you, i deserve to be the most trusted" he said "You little Bloodtraiting whore!". I shrieked in outrage then i stabbed my nails into his cheek and pulled down so i made a deep long gash in his skin 'thats it? A catworthy scratch? Not exactly Voldemort Daughter material' yeah no that is not it. Immediatly his skin began to bubble and turn red then quickly it turned to green and he began to scream in pain and he held his face as his skin bhubbled more and more then the bubbles exploded leaving behind red eaten up pieces of skin which came off on his hands as he picked even more at it and yelled again even more as the green and bubbles kept spreading and getting worse. He convulced in pain and i smiled a sickly smile then went out of the hallway into the regular area.

Many people had run onto the train as soon as the commotion had started and the remaining few dispersed the parents went for a closer goodbye and the Children ran behind their mother's skirts. Only one person didnt run away one beauttiful red headed man-who is a dirty stinking blood traitor i reminded myself of the last part. "You didnt have to do that i can defend myself and take care of myself" he said coming up to me "i didnt do it for you i did so that your mother would shut her damn trap" i said. "Oh you did that" he pointed over my shoulder at the Death Eater being dragged away by some more Death Eaters, half his face burned off "so my mom would shut up?" he asked "yes i did" i said standing up straighter. "Mhmm" he said "what?" i asked "nothing nothing" he said and i narrowed my eyes at him "you dont believe me do you?" i asked "I never said that" he said a bit of amusement in his voice. "But i do say this" he leaned in to whisper in my ear "the offer's still up, anything you need to talk about im here. Or even if you just need a good f^ck" he whispered then nibbled on my earlobe and licked down my neck placing a small kiss on my collar bone then he was off.

I shuddered at how good it felt to have him do that. Once i got over that i went back into the train with Draco into the head's compartment. My new uniform was a pair of skinny jeans and sneakers with my robe over it, a tank top and my tie. Even though i was supposed to be the perfect thing or whatever i loved this rebel look i was allowed to have...

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