Chapter 39

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I woke up sometime later and i was once again in the Hospital Wing. When i opened my eyes Blaise, Jo, Tawny and Pansy were around my bed. Blaise had Jo in his lap and she was asleep, Tawny was tucked under his other arm and Pansy was pacing up and down by the foot of my bed. "Jay your finally awake" Blaise said softly and placed his hand on top of mine. "Yeah" i said softly "howre you feeling?" he asked "crappy" i answered and moved somewhat then i groaned "what happened?" he asked and tears started to prickle at my eyes "n-nothing much" i lied. "Babe tell me" he said softly and tears began to spill out of my eyes "i-i cant i-i just cant Blaise it was horrible! D-Draco was there the Dark Lord tried to make him t-tried to make him" i couldnt continue i broke down and cried. I heard some shuffling then i felt hs hands wrap around me "you dont need to say it if you dont want to" he whispered in my ear and i nodded "N-no y-you need to know i-i want you to know that i trust you in everything" i said and turned around to face him. "D-Draco's dad he-he did things to me" i said and began to tell him how id gotten to the place once again and Draco had tried to stop him. "What did he do to you baby?" he asked "h-he-he beat me and and he he he" my voice cracked again "he r^ped me" i said and started to full out bawl again. "Jay" he breathed and wrapped his arms around me again while i sobbed into his shoulder "i was so scared" i cried "i thought id never see you again nor Tawny or Jo". "What about Draco?" he asked "he he tried to stop his dad from from hurting me but but he g-got he got tortured and beat up for trying to help me he wouldnt do it when they made him. Hes the only real family i have" i cried. He held me close and let me cry my tears out until i was somewhat better "I love you Blaise" i said "and i love you Jay" he said then suddenly he pulled my arm to a straight point "Jay" he said slowly "whats this?" he asked "i dont kn-" i said then i got sight of what he was showing me. There in the middle of my left forearm was the Dark Mark clear as day although unlike Draco's mine had the Crest of Slytheri at the bottom. I cried even harder now "i c-cant believe it" i cried "that m-man he h-hates me so much! Why couldnt he have just let me die at birth?" i cried into his shoulder. "Dont say that doll" he whispered into my ear "you dont mean it" "yes yes i do!" i said "im sure he doesnt hate you hes just trying to mold you into Slytherin Princess like Malfy Senior did to Draco" Blaise said. "Stop trying to sugar coat all this sh it Blaise!" i yelled sitting up right "im now a death eater, the baby's dead caplut! And i hate my Best Friend!" i yelled. "Coincidently your sister is dating the guy i hate!!" i yelled "I DONT WANNA GET CALLED TO THAT AS WIPE WHENEVER 'SE LE INCHAN LOS HUEVOS Y QUIERE QUE VAYA PARAYA' OR WHEN HE WANTS TO FRICKEN KILL A MUGGLE OR MUGGLE BORN I DONT CARE ABOUT BLOOD STATUS BLAISE!!!!" i yelled. "Calm down" he said softly and put a hand on my shoulder. I started to breathe hard and put a hand on my bruised stomach "so whats wrong with me anyways?" i asked "youve got a few broken Ribs, Broken Nose, your stomach is like super bad all bruised and stuff, you lost the baby, bruises all over all your body but the worst besides the miscariage is just a concussion which Madam Pomfrey fixed oh and youve been out for a few days now" he said. "Shite" i said and leaned back on my pillows once more...

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