Chapter 11

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The rest of the year Blaise was really protective like when we walked together he would have an arm tightly around me and he would tense up when someone started to talk to me. Blaise invited me to stay at him house again this summer and i agreed very thankful to him. Crabbe Goyle Draco Blaise Tawny and Me got a compartment to ourselves Tawny was still pretty freaked out over the whole Cedric dying thing so wed let her sit with us. "You know what ive noticed?" Draco said when there had been silence for awhile "that you pick the ugliest and sluttiest girls?" i asked "no" he said annoyed "that you cant fight your own battles?" i asked "no" he said getting angrier "that you have a terrible hairstyle?" i asked "ENOUGH" he said. "No what ive noticed is that every day you look more and more like my Aunt Bella" he said "Aunt Bella?" i asked raising an eyebrow "Bellatrix Lestrange" Crabbe clarified "oh" i said "i look nothing like her" i shrieked. "Ya you do" everyone said at the same time "Why?" i asked "Long curly hair" Crabbe said "Pale skin" Goyle said "and when Aunt Bella gets mad her eyes get Red" Draco said and i pouted then stuck my tongue out at him. Theyd seen my red eyes because after the whole poisoning thing i stopped wearing the contacts and it seriously creaped Tawny out.

A few hours later we got to the Station, "please dont fall on my foot please dont fall on my foot" i said as i took my trunk down "Yes" i said as i got it down "i rule!" i cheered putting my arms up. "What ever" Draco said as he passed me "buy Dracki ill miss you this summer" i said hugging him "honestly stop calling me that" he whined "Never!" i said. Mrs.Zabini met us at the station and then we got to their home in their car which was different this year. "Oh Jaya we changed the room you stayed in last year a bit so its more teenage girl like" Mrs.Zabini said as we entered the mansion "oh ok" i said "and Blaise your party is going to be next week instead off two weeks from now" she said "zabini your having a party and you didnt invite me?" i asked turning to him. "You shouldnt really use the last name thing here or youll get like 6 responses" Tawny said as she passed me and i stuck my tongue out at her but she didnt see "anyway yes i have an anual Birthday Party and i have always invited you but you never respond and this year well your staying here so whatd be the point?" he said. "Hmm i never knew Ms.Suzie stole my mail i just thought i never got any" i said with a shrug "imma put my things away see you later" i said and i turned but he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck up and down "stop it" i said though i didnt really mean it. "Stop" i laughed "make me" he said, i turned around and kissed him on the lips roughly then as he was shocked i walked away carrying my trunk with me. I went up to the room i had stayed at earlier and found it now transformed with green walls books shelves with books movies and cd's on them, there was a huge bed with Green covers and a fluffy comforter infront of the bed there was a dresser with a giant TV with a DVD player on the other side of the room was a wall length mirror that was actually the door to a walk in closet, the closet was already full of totally cute clothes. "Wow" i said as i fingered the cloth "silk" i murmured then i got out of the closet and layed down on my bed then i heard someone knock on the door, i looked up and saw Blaise so i sat up "yes?" i asked raising an eyebrow he closed the door. "I just wanted to see if you liked your new room" he said walking over to me "i love it" i said "im glad" he said sitting on the edge of my bed, i kneeled and pulled him onto the bed. I kissed him roughly and he started to kiss me back passionately then he started to push me down onto the bed laying me flat on the bed "DINNER" i heard Mrs.Zabini yell, we seperated and Blaise put his head down on my shoulder "way to ruin the moment mom" he said into my shoulder. I laughed then i pushed him off.

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