Chapter 28

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What could she have been so worried about that she didnt want me in the room when she told Tawny and Draco what happened? Why did she want to sleep in her own room tonight? What is going on? If she trusted me with knowing who her father was then why didnt she trust me to know what had happened? What if it had been about me? That has to be it! I got out of bed after what seemed like hours of thinking and went to her room which was just across the hall, she was hudled in the middle of her bed well as huddled as you can be with a broken leg and crying. I sat on the edge of the bed and stroked her hair, evidently she hadnt noticed i entered because she looked up suddenly "blaise!" she said and i kissed her on the lips softly so she wouldnt interupt me. "Look Bell i know that whatever happened had something to do with me so dont go breaking up with me because like i told you ill take my chances, i love you bell and nothing will stop me from getting you" i said. "So what exactly happened?" i asked "Okay well i was sort of taken to this place it looked like a Dungeon then my father came into the room and we argued for a moment and then he started to say how you arent good for me because your Neutral and your skin color Then i insulted my mother and him and he yelled at me then he threw me at the wall and i go this then he told me that i was a danger to-to you and that if i stay with you y-youll surely d-die" she said and her eyes spilled of tears. "Oh Love" i said as i pulled her onto my lap, i smoothed her hair and she cried into my shoulder. After a few moments when her sobbing had died down a bit i picked her up in one arm and laid her down beneath the covers then i got into the bed after her and wrapped my arms around her small body as she snuggled into my shoulder. "Im not afraid Bell and neither should you" i whispered in her ear though i knew she was asleep.


The next morning i woke up with Blaise next to me so for a moment i thought nothing had changed but as i reached a hand up to touch his toned chest i noticed the ring on my hand. Then i remembered what had happened with my father, i moved my leg but it was normal so it must have healed over night. Suddenly i got an idea to wake him up, i sat up and put my hands on his chest then i leaned my head down and kissed him softly on the lips. Suddenly his hands sprang up and wrapped them selves around my waist and rested on my behind. "Not trying to take advantage of me are you?" Blaise whispered in my ear and i shrieked slightly "Blaise!" i shrieked and he chuckled but grasped my butt and pulled me up so that my knees were on either side of his chest and i was sitting on his stomach, his hands started to move up from my butt to my curves and down again. "So Mrs.Zabini what are you planning on doing today?" he mocked "im not a Mrs yet" i growled but kissed him lightly on the lips again. "Soon to be" he says and kisses my lips lightly too, suddenly he flips around so hes on top of me "your okay right?" he asks softly and i nod "yeah course babe" i say "it really scared me last night how you got i was afraid id lose you" he said "it wasnt that bad sweety" i said "yeah it was you got really creepy, you got all tense thenyou floated off the bed then flew across the room and hit the wall it frickin cracked!" he said. "Baby im fine im completely okay look my leg is fine now" i said and lifted the sheets so he could see my leg then i covered it up again "alright if your sure" he said and i noddded. For awhile we just laid there in bed, our bodies wrapped around each other then though Tawny and Draco woke up and came into our room. "Blaise put on a shirt" Draco said at Blaise's chest "yes Draco doesnt like to see what he doesnt have" i said and he glared. Somehow me and Draco ended up wrestling while Blaise and Tawny cheered their Spouse on i ended up winning by pinning him down to the floor "your lucky your a girl" Draco croaked since id had my elbow on his throat. After that we decided to go down to Breakfast.

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