Chapter 21

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For the rest of the year me and Blaise sort of left our relationship hidden since we had both had enough gossip for one school year, so the only people that knew were him, me, Daphne, Pansy and Draco. Tawny and Mrs.Zabini were pretty happy that we were together again so they let me stay with them again and ofcourse soon it was his birthday.

Again i woke up in bed with him "hey" i said with a smile "hi" he responded and brushed a stray hair away from my eyes "so todays your birthday" i said "yup" he said playing along. "So what do you want?" i asked he pulled me over so that i was lying on top of him and his arms were around my waist and i bended my legs so my knees were on either side of his chest and my hands were on his chest "your undying love?" he said "but you already have that" i pouted. "Well then thats all i need" he said and i leaned down and kissed him on the lips "oh no its already noon? Gotta go i promised Tawny that id help her pick out an outfit for the party although im sure shes going to wear whatever one she wants to" i said and pecked him on the lips. Then i ran over to Tawny's room as i aproached the door i saw the signs that said do not enter and her name. I knocked on the door and i was pulled in by a pair of arms "your late" Tawny said "and in pajamas" she observed "yeah sorry" i said. "So what do you need help with?" i asked "well actually its boy help well more like boyfriend help" she said "you have a boyfriend?" i asked "no well not yet this guy asked me to be his girlfriend but i dont know what to say" she said "well what do you want?" i asked. "I want to say yes but its just..." she trailed off "hes older than me and i dont want Blaise or my Mom to be mad at me" she said "oh well im sure Blaise will be mad no matter what boy it is and your Mom well she doesnt need to know does she?" i said "so i should say yes eventhough hes older than me?" she asked and i nodded "its your decision and to be fair most Slytherin guys are pigs" i told her "what about my brother?" she raised an eyebrow "did i mention any exceptions?" i asked raising an eyebrow. She laughed "well other than that i dont need help i already have my outfit picked" she said "well then put it on and ill do your make-up" i told her "ill put mine on while you do yours" i said and she nodded. I went back to my room and put on then i went back to Tawny's room were she was putting on her necklace her full outfit was


After hours of makeup and other last touches we headed down to the party area were everyone was already partying although this year it was actually classy due to our new step daddy. I spotted my mother in a corner wearing a jumpsuit and heels talking to a 7th year i half cursed the fact that our mother still looked so skinny after 4 kids and young looking although she did have 2 teenagers. I grabbed a glass of champagne and went to stand in a corner o the room while my family started to greet everyone truth was i wasnt very sociable, Jaya was standing by Draco and they were talking. A group of giggling girls entered and stood by my corner no doubt waiting to be whisked away by the man of their dreams to live happily ever after, after one slow dance, pathetic. "So did you hear Blaise and that Hag are back together?" a girl my age with redish hair and brown eyes said "oh Astoria dont talk about Blaise infront of" a taller girl with blonde hair and big fake breasts said and she pointed to Daphne "ladies please" Daphne said smirking. "Mark my words in no time at all Blaise will come crawling back to me sick and tired of such a slut and wanting a real woman" she said. "Anyways look at her in that god awful dress so revealing how can Blaise let her out dressed like that?" she asked and i decided to make my presence known "well Zabini's have never really been the posesive type" i said stepping forward. "And what my i ask are you?" Daphne sneered "oh not very nice are you? And no very smart either i may add" i said not extending my hand. "How dare you?" she said "this easily and it did take you a while to realize what i said didnt it?" i said coolly i saw Blaise and Jaya both turned in my direction but nothing else "who do you think you are?" she started to walk towards me and before i could say anything she raised her hand as id to slap me but as her hand reached my face someone's hand grabbed her wrist so it stopped centimeters away from my face. I looked up and saw Jaya throwing Daphne's arm at her "she is Tanya Zabini" Jay said "ah so one of my future sister-in-laws?" Daphne said "not likely" me and Jaya said in unison "how dare you speak to me that way?" Daphne roared and slapped Jaya across the face making a very loud noise. Her head went flying backwards and then she turned back to Daphne clutching her cheek then out of nowhere she grabbed Daphne by the hair twisted it in her hand then flung her backwards letting her hair free and within moment they were in a full out brawl nails and hair flying everywhere. Astoria made as if to grab Jaya but i yelled out "HEY" and head butted her and now me and Astoria were fighting suddenly i felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and then i felt myself being dragged away. I looked up and saw the face of my brother he had a mix of amusement anger and disappointment plastered on his face. Then i saw Draco pulling Jaya away and My mom pulling Pansy away from the Blonde "what is going on here?" My mother yelled and i turned to see that everyone had now left all 6 of us started to talk at the same time "one at a time" my mother yelled. "Well Daphne here was going to slap Tawny but i stopped her so she slapped me and then this started" she gestured toward all of us, she herself had a torn dress sleeve so her bra was visible, her hair was out of place and bruises along her body. "Alright Tanya what happened?" my mom asked me "well i heard them talking and i kind of butted in and Daphne got really mad and she tried to slap me then when they started to fight Astoria wanted to get on Jaya but i didnt think that was fair so i head butted her and we started to fight" i said. "And what were they talking about that made you but in?" she asked "they were saying that Jay looked like a slut in what she was wearing and that Blaise shouldnt let her out like that" i said "and?" she questioned "and they were saying that Blaise would be back with Daphne before long" Jaya looked angry "alright let me at her again" she said but Blaise gripped her around the waist so she wouldnt do something shed regret. "Well that was very idiotic" My mother said to Daphne "i am not going to tell your parents of what you did but you may never enter my home again and ofcourse you must stay away from my family and Jaya and Draco or else your family will be informed of this matter now leave" My mother said and marched them out.

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