Chapter 57

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A/N: WOOOOOWWW 61 chapters?! Thats alot! I hope you guys are liking my story so far especially with the turn its taken recently. I'ts close to the end i promise you, i just need to write in one part which will be this chapter and then the war so 5 chapters max should be the end oh and there will be a sequel. Of what i shall tell you later!

Mom was torturing some girl, i could hear her screams rocking the house.

I sighed "why do I always have ot be the hero?"i said out loud and sat up off my bed. I combed through my newly shaved head before lighting a cigarrette and heading down to the living room.

Mom was hanigng over the crying girl when i got there. "What did you steal you filthy little mudblood?" she hissed

"Please i didnt take anything!" she said.

"What are you doing mother?" i asked calmly

"Oh Jaya good your here. This mudblood has broken into my vualt at gringotts!"

"Oh did she? I doubt a simpleton like her could do that. She was with someone i suppose?" i asked

"Draco wont tell us but i know that its Potter shes with and one of the Weasle Bee's" she said

"I see" i said and looked down at the girl whom i now recognized as Hermione Granger, she was nice to me as i recall, when i started to do my own homework she'd helped me out and when i was studying for my O.W.L's she suggested books for me to study from. "I dont know what must have gotten into Draco.... but i will make sure to make up for his daft error, only Potter would be traveling with such filth. Dont waste your time on her mother, ill get the information from her."

"Thank you Jaya, i have been over working myself" she said and started to walk away.

When her back was to me i shot a spell that knocked her to the floor.

Hermione hiccuped in a scared way.

"Wake up Granger" i clapped my hands infront of her face to snpa her out of it "we have 2 minutes tops" i said.

"F-for what?" she asked surprised

"Strip" i replied simply and took off my shirt, i threw it at her and she slowly started to peel off her jacket.

"Come on Granger your not doing a strip tease and if you were your doing a crap job of it. Come on, im pregnant and i go quicker than you"

"Y-your pregnant?" she asked

"That not important, what is is that you take those thirty layers of clothes off" i said and peeled of my jeans.

"W-what do i do with mine?" she asked

"Chuck 'em, put away your jackets if you think you need 'em. Put this on instead though" i said and handed her the cloak "its super warm inside of it. A gift from father" i said

"W-why are you doing this?" she asked

I sighed again and grabbed her shoulders "If i tell you Granger, its because i owe you, i probably wouldnt have gotten out of my 5th year without your help. I'm not evil, im in love with Fred and we're married, im 3 months pregnant with his baby and we have a tattoo together. Thats all i'll tell you but you have to swear to me not to tell a soul. If you tell i'll die, Fred will, George, Ron, Ginny, Pecy, Bill Charlie and my cousin Draco, they will all die" i said

"Your what?" she asked not quite processing what id said.

"Oh my god" i rolled my eyes and grabbed her hand putting it on my collar. "Pretend like you overpowered me, go to the next room, Draco is fighting against Harry and Ron, Lucius and Narcissa have alreayd been knocked out." i said.

"Okay" she nodded "and dont worry your secret is safe with me"

"And George and Draco" i muttered, id just made my secret more known than id ever meant it to get. "Do your best not to show my baby bump please" i said

"Will do" she said and adjusted my boots before leaving the room yanking me by my hair.


"Jaya?" Draco said and in the process Harry grabbed his wand from him.

"Hermione!" Ron said happily at the sight of her "how'd you get out and get Riddle out?"

"I have my ways" Hermione replied.

"Nice panties Riddle" Ron said

"Thanks i was getting ready for a night out with your mom" i said with a smirk.

"What did you say about my mother?"

"Did i stutter Weasle Bee?"

"Alright enough arguing you two! Tie them up" Harry said and Hermione waved her wand.

"My my is that a baby bump i see Riddle?" Ron asked referring to my stomach.

"Yeah your looking at the next Weasley baby ya' dunse" i said and bared my teeth at him.

"I exepected you to have gotten pregnant 2 years ago" he laughed "but this is just too good, Voldemort's daughter knocked up"

I bared my teeth at him again. "Shut up Weasle Bee"

"Come on lets just go!" Hermione said and grabbed their hands to apparate away.

"GAH!!!" i screamed against my restraints. Draco slumped down and didnt try to fight it.

"Jaya! Draco! What happened?" My mom asked running in.

"What happened is your crappy death eater skills! You turned your back on the mudblood and she knocked you out then did THIS to me" i said nodding to my burn covered arms courtesy of wordless magic.

"I-im sorry Jaya!" she said and clawed at the ropes.

"Yeah you'll be saying much worse once i tell my father!" i said

"N-no Jaya please dont!" she said...

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