Chapter 53

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They gave me a few potions but said that my hand would never heal it would alays be the same red, scared, scratched, scabbed hand and wrist. I didnt care. I was just glad i was going to get out of taht room.

"Why didn't you come over last night or the day before?" Fred asked rolling off me. As usual When I came over earlier that night we had shagged a few times but we didn't really bother with the whole taking off ALL clothIng so he didn't see my messed up left arm.

"Oh- y'know, business" I said fiddling with the fringe of his comforter.

"Say" he said a little evilly and he sat up and started to crawl up my body "how about... another round? This time me being able to see your perty perky boobies?" he said and unlaced the small bow that kept my shirt closed and he started to take the buttons off.

"No!Stop!" I squealed and shoved his hands away

"What?" he laughed "NOW your all covering up?"

"Just- stop it okay?" I said and his face got serious

"Jaya what happened?" he asked

"N-nothing" I said looking down and laced the corset part back up.

"Babe" he said in a stern voice and I sighed

"I'm not going to tell you but I will show you" I said and unlaced my corset once more then i unbuttoned the shirt underneath it and slowly took it off.

"Ah!" I exclaimed as I unwrapped the bandages and showed him completely my damaged hand/wrist.

"What the hell happened?!" he screamed and quickly covered up his mouth

"Shh! I'm not telling you!" I said loudly

"A-are you- are you okay?" he asked and touched my hand, when he saw it didn't hurt he touched it freely and the whole thing.

"Yeah i am, I have a potion that stops the affects of this curse it just doesn't reverse it. It just hurt when I took he bandage off because I wrapped of too tight." I shrugged

"So it's a curse?" he asked "who did it? Was it an order member? DA?" he asked

"I'm not telling you!"

"So it is!"

"Igh!" I exclaimed and three my hands up in exasperation then grabbed his hands and stuck them on my boobs and smashed my lips to his.

We got into a heavy makeout session and he entered me but then he quickly pulle back out.

"No! Tell me what happened!" he said and I sighed, wrapping a blanket around my body.

"You couldve at least finished" I muttered, he glared "okay. So I was walking back from the library and I saw a death eater-"

"So a death eater did it?!"

"Shh! I wanna get this over with to shag!" I said "I saw a death eater torturing Ginny-"

"Ginny did it?!"

"Shut it! So I went and made her stop. When she did Ginny fainted. I fished around in her pockets and found a galleon with numbers on the side, I touched my wand to it and I started to burn up. It was like really hot and it burned my hand. The spot where it burned worsened and grew. Then it started to sort of scab up and bleed Nd scar" I said. "Draco gave me some potions that treated it but then I had to go to the DA's lair and they gave me a potion to STOP the affects"

"Oh so it was a curse that te DA coin had?" he asked and I nodded.

"So..." I said "Now we shag?" I asked giving him puppy dog eyes.

He laughed "Down girl. Not exactly" he said and went to his nightstand and fished something out. "Close your eyes" he said

"Why?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Just do it" he said and I sighed an stuck out my hands shutting my eyes.

I felt a small square box being placed in my hands.

"Fred what is this?" i asked and opened my eyes.

"Open it and find out" he said smiling.

I rolled my eyes and unfurled the lace ribbon around the box then opened it and gasped.

"Oh my!" i said running my fingers over its contents.

Inside was a charm necklace that looked like it was made of real gold. It had a few charms they were all crests i noticed, Slytherin, Weasley and Zabini and there was also a large half a heart.

He showed me a necklace that had the other half of the heart.

I smiled and 'awwed' then kissed him on the lips.

"Look" he said and showed me a locket in the middle of the necklace, on the surface it had a snake and a weasle in a full circle type thing, the Hogwarts crest was in the middle. On the back it had 'FW+JR' in a heart.

I smiled and kissed him again.

"I love you" he whispered and i gave him a half smile

"You know i cant return those words" i said snuggling to his chest.

"I know but i still love YOU" he said "and i dont say that very often"

We sat there for a few minutes then "Come here" he said pulling me up to be flush up next to him, my head on his shoulder and his arm wrapped around mine. He leaned down to peck me on the lips and i leaned up, closing my eyes.

I heard a camera snap then he pulled away and tapped the camera and a small picture just big enough for the locket. In the picture we kissed then pulled away and i licked my lips a bit then leaned my forehead on his.

"Oh god" i said and pulled away from him, covering my face with my hands.

"Whats the matter?" he asked

"Everything!" i said uncovering my eyes so he could see my tear stained face and i gestured to my surroundings. "Children are being killed left and right, tortured, abused! People are afraid to leave their homes!" i stood up at this point, pacing around "I have to pretend to-to be this evil witch just to survive and so the ones i love can survive too! The love of my life was ripped away from me! The baby that was inside me... My cousin, everyone hates him because of what he grew up being taught!"

"I-I cant handle this!! I-I love you! I really do but i cant-" i let out an angry groan and punched the wall, accidentaly making a hole in it "i cant say it out loud! If i do you'd die! Id die! Ugh im at risk every single day of my life, as are you and your family just because of this" i gestured between us. "I want to be able to go outside and admit it. I hate it i hate it so much. I hate my father most of all!" i screamed in frustration and kicked the wall then i covered my hands with my face and slid down the wall crying.

"Look listen to me" he said and sat down next to me, pulling me onto his lap. "None of that matters" he said "nothing matters okay. We are fighting this, with the inside information your giving us, and the entire DA and Order fighting we will defeat this. Were going to beat him and then everyone will know how good you are baby" he said and i smiled.

"I love you" i whispered and kissed him softly

"I love you too" he said and pulled me to his chest again.

We snuggled up together and eventually fell asleep.

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