Chapter 6

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"Hurry up well be late" Mrs.Zabini yelled over her shoulder as me Draco Blaise and Tanya raced behind her when we were walking towards platform 9 and 3 quarters. We finally got there and i ran through the platform straight away then i stopped to wait for the others, First Blaise emerged then Draco then Mrs.Zabini holding Tanya's hand "now Blaise take care of your little sister and you to please" Mrs.Zabini told us all we nodded and Blaise kissed her cheek and Tanya hugged her then we boarded the train. "Come on you little brat" Blaise said to Tawny which was Tanya's nickname we got a Compartment to ourselves Tawny stepped in after us "look Tawn were cool in the summer and all that but in school you do not hang out with us you do not speak to us unless we speak to you first" Blaise warned. Tawny nodded sadly "and if i hear that you fooling around with any boy all hell will break loose" he said a smile finally breaking out on his serious looking face, she giggled a little and Blaise guided her towards the seat next to him and i sat on her other side so she was in between me and blaise and Draco was on the other side. A few minutes later the train started to move and Tawny gave a little yelp of surprise probably nervous "your nervous arent you?" i said coolly she nodded slowly "i cant really say i know how you feel i didnt care what house i went to" i said. "I never knew about this world but all i did know is that i wished to be in a house where i would have friends that i could call sisters" i told her "and thats what i got i can honestly call Blaise a sister" i said and she started cracking up while Blaise glared at me. "Oh you know what i mean" i told Blaise then the compartment door opened and Tawny ceased her laughter as a Tall girl with choppy hair walked through the door, she had curves and big breasts and a big behind so it took me a while to realize it was Pansy wearing High Heels and a smirk as she saw Draco's dropped jaw. Instead of moving to Draco she moved to Tawny "move" she growled at the poor first year who cringed then almost ran to draco who still had a wide open mouth, Pansy sat down next to blaise igoring the fact that i was there "so zabini how was your summer?" she asked flirtaciously and i felt a wave of jelousy hit me. Why should i care if Parkinson flirts with Blaise? Hes a friend nothing more and he only thinks of me as a sort of sister nothing more and nothing less. I took a few silent breaths to keep myself from puncing on her "fine" Blaise muttered flatly "oh thats great" she said putting her hand on blaise's leg but thankfully he shook it off "ooo fistey i see" she said "me likei" she said. "Yes well i dont likei that you practically shoved her out of her seat" Blaise said with the same tone "oh im sorry i never knew you cared about ickle first years" she said playfully "i do when its my little sister" he said standing up "lets go Tawny, Jay" he said "gladly the aroma of perfume is almost suffocating" tawny said with such fiestyness that i was surprised. Blaise smirked and Pansy gawked and i smiled, we walked out of there not wanting to witness Pansy and Draco's latest snogging session "lets find Elena" i suggested as i started walking away.


"Gladly the aroma of perfume in here is suffocating" my little sister said i smirked at her wit while Jaya smiled and Pansy gawked at the way an 11 year old spoke. "Lets go find Elena" Jaya said as she started to walk away, she looked so hot in her suspendered knee high shorts with her suspenders hanging by her butt her hair in a long plait down her back and that off shoulder top and her butt moving so poetically making the suspenders jingle slightly wait why am i thinking this? Shes like a sister nothing more nothing less. "Close your mouth before a fly makes a nest in there" Tawn snapped "besides if you really want her ask her out already you should have seen the way she looked at that lead head" she said nudging her thumb in the direction of the compartment. "Lets just go lead head" i mocked putting a hand on her shoulder making her move forwards following Jaya, shed dressed Tawny this morning so she looked very stylish in bell bottom jeans a pair of sailor loafer

flats and a shirt with shapes on it.


At Dinner we found out about the tri Wizard tournament and Tawny got sorted into Slytherin. That night in the Common room i walked up to Draco and Blaise who were joking around by the fire "hey can i talk to you two?" i asked "alone" i added eeying Pansy. "Oh no Zabini shes going to break up with us" Draco mocked "just put us down easy with no heartbreak" Blaise added clutching his chest "oh Shut it" i said. They stood up and walked towards me "so ive reached a decision this year im going Solo" i said "see i told you she was breaking it off with us" Draco said "not in that form i mean im not gonna date this year and i dont know i just thought i should tell you two since your my best friends" i said with a shrug. "Oh wow the infamous Jaya isnt going to date how unreal" Pansy Parkinson said very loudly attracting everyone's attention "shut it Parkinson" I growled at her she shrugged and returned to her group of girls. "Anyway were proud of you little fish but this is going to affect your part in our trio alot" Draco said "and youll need to do your own homework" Blaise said "oh no i wont so far only the slytherins know and i always get Ravenclaw's to do my Homework" i replied and the smirked.

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