Chapter 33

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The next few weeks was quite quiet except of course for the party which made Tawny and Draco reveal their relationship when Pansy in her drunk state started to dry shag Theodore Nott and Draco failed to be pissed.

Sooner than i wouldve thought Winter Holidays came and Me, Blaise, Tawny, Mrs.Zabini, Jo and Kat all went to Malfoy Manor because since Mr.Malfoy had gone to Azcaban Mrs.Malfoy was quite lonely in that huge place.

"Oh" "My" "God" Me Tawny and Kat said when we arrived, it was ginormous, the entrance hall was twice the size of Zabini's and the gardens were the size of Zabini manor! "Close your mouth before something lays eggs inside" Blaise said from behind me and i obliged. "Ah Marilyn!" a cool female voice said from the stairs and as she descended i saw that she was beautiful and she looked alot like Draco. "Narcissa how are you dear?" Marilyn said as her and Narcissa pecked each other's cheeks "Oh and you must be Blaise! Draco has told me so much about you!" she said and extended her hand which Blaise kissed "and you must be Jane are you not?" she asked me as she wrinkled her nose in disgust which and i rolled my eyes "Jaya actually, Jaya Riddle" i said with empathise on my last name. "Riddle?" she asked with amusement then she let out a cold cackle "i highly highly doubt that!" she said laughing more histerically but i simply raised an eyebrow "oh you were serious" she said soberring up instantly and i nodded with a smirk. "Oh dear" she said and got into a low bow, i could hear Draco, Baise and Tawny trying not to laugh "i apologize i i didnt realize" she said "Draco!" she hissed "show Ms.Riddle to her room!" she ordered him and he started to lead me up the stairs while Blaise followed. As soon as we got out of earshot we fell into fits of laughter "I-i cannot believe you made my mother do that!" Draco said as tears fell from him eyes. "I didnt make her she did it herself" i said "but it was still quite funny!" i giggled. "Alright i better show you to your room" Draco said as we sobbered up and i nodded, he led me to a room that was smaller than my one in Blaise's house "ick" Blaise said as he wrinkled his nose "she really does hate you" Draco said as he looked around in disgust "oh come on you two! When i lived in the orphanage my room was half this size!" i said with a smile. "Yes but your not at the Orphanage anymore" Blaise said as he wrapped an arm around my waist lovingly "We all know that either way you two are going to sleep together so just sleep in Blaise's its bigger than his room at home" Draco said and he lead us to another room which indeed was alot bigger than Blaise's at home, it had a bed that was the size of the room assigned to me and there was a whole wall made up of mirrors, "thats the closet" he pointed at the door "its also huge" he said "theres a flatscreen TV huge!" he said "DVD player VCR player Stereo surround sound etc etc." he said "heres your bathroom" he led us through another door were there was a Jacuzi and a bathtub that looked like the Prefect's, The sink and toilet were porcelain and the handles were gold. "Im in love" i said as i looked around at the giant bathroom (the size of Blaise's room in Zabini Manor). "Oh now thats hurtful" Blaise whispered in my ear and suddenly i felt my jeans and shirt disappear to be replaced by a bathing suit i turned around and saw that Blaise had his wand out and he had turned his clothes into swim trunks Draco apparently had left. "Well i think you need to be punished for that very hurtful comment" he said and suddenly he picked me up in a bridal carry and dropped me into the foamy and very hot, hot tub. "Blaise!" i shrieked but found that he was already next to me in the water, i threw my arms around his neck and he wrapped an arm around my waist "have i ever told you how much i hate you sometimes?" i asked him "yes but you love me more than you hate me" he said and leaned in to kiss me but i blew some bubbles into his nose. "Why you!" he growled and lifted me up so that i was sitting on his lap in the water "what are you going to do to me hmm?" i asked him huskily "how about i shag you? Or dunk your head under the water its all your choice" he said "oh i perfer the water" i said "shag it is!" he said and started to nibble on my neck while i shrieked with laughter as his hands wandered my body....

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