Chapter 40

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I stayed in bed for awhile after that. I didnt go to Dumbledore's Funeral. I was so sad. Noone could change the way i felt. Blaise tried but nothing worked.

Everyone was upset with the way i was acting i knew it but i felt that if i opened my mouth i couldnt keep myself from screaming.

Soon the year ended and i went back to Zabini Manor with Blaise, Tawny and Jo though i was far from recovered. I didnt stay in bed after that though i actually got out a bit since i didnt want to alarm anyone or bring too much attention to myself. The wounds sealed up and he bruises healed soon enough but i still felt sick all the time and i kept coughing up blood, i couldnt even keep anything down so i was getting skinnier by the day. At night i was kept up my Nightmares about what had happened so i got dark colored bags under my eyes. Everything was terrible. I drifted in and out of my mind not realizing things sometimes. It was as if i wasnt even in my body anymore! This was not the Jaya Annabelle Smith (Riddle) that Blaise had fallen in love with; that i loved; that everyone loved. No this was some other creature that was made by all that hatred my father seems to hold for me, the deception of a man i thought was not truly bad, the suffering that torture left. But Blaise still stood by my side, he didnt seem to care that i was becoming more distant and cold by the second, no, he was too good for that. Quite honestly i htink he was the only reason i got up in the morning or well got out of bed i should say, the only reason i bothered to eat the little i could, the only reason why i didnt just point my wand at myself and say "Avada Kadavra". I didnt want to be this way but i do want to be me again if just for 1 day to make Blaise happy for that short time. He never said it but i knew he felt it, he was mad at me that i was so cold and distant, no not at me at Lucius and Draco and my father. He was sad when he saw me so sad and afraid. I no longer was the same tough skinned Jaya everyone knew, id become a brittle frail little girl who could never be loved...

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