Chapter 41

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The worst blow though, didnt come until Mid summer. The worst seems funny to say because you know when somethings bad you dont really think things can get any worse but they do they always do.

I was walking lazily around the large gardens of Zabini Manor with Kat and Jo reading under a nearby tree. Tawny was tanning ofcourse and Mrs.Zabini was writing a letter at a table near the house.

Suddenly Mrs.Zabini's newest catch came running into our area "the deatheaters took Blane!" he yelled "What?!" we all said at the same time and stood up immediatly. "We we were in town you know buying stuff and all that then when we were going ot go back to the car a bunch of Death eaters grabbed him and apparated away!" he said. "No no no this cant be happening!" Mrs. Zabini moaned "Not my baby" she cried. "Mommy" Kat said and went over to her mother who wrapped an arm around her and Jo while Tawny wrapped both her arms aorund her mother as the Zabinis all cried.

I couldnt move though i was just standing there numb thinking abut everything.

Finally i reached a decision.

I would not kill myself, id do something much worse.

I strode away from everyone and into the house "were are you going Jay?" Tawny asked me but i didnt bother to respond, i just kept walking until i was inside my room. I took a deep breathe then i grabbed my wand and rabbed a box from under my bed where i had pictures of me and Blaise and Draco. I sighed and looked through them. I took the locket taht still hung around ym neck and put it into the box. I sighed again and closed the box then i crawled under my bed and where floorboards were loose i crawled in and was in a small crawlspace. I sneezed then crawled as far as i could then i stretched my hand out and dropped the box in a small area near the pipes. I creid silently for a few minutes then i went back out and threw my cloak on over my Black skirt, and black longsleeved shirt with high heeled booties. Then i spun around on the spot gripping my wand.

I appeared infront of a place i didnt know very well but i knew what i had to do. I raised my left hand as i was going through the gates and nothing happened then as i reached the front doors a bunch of eath eaters came at me. Me being the awesome me was able to drop kick their butts all the way into the house and then i made them take me to their leader in alien terms. They led me to a room were there were a bunch of Death Eaters already formed and my father was in his throne chair again. "Ahh Jaya and to what do i owe this pleasure?" he asked "im here to ask for your forgiveness adn y9our mercy father" i said and bowed deeply "i am ready to join you" i said and looked up. To my surprise he was smilign one of those sickly smiles. "I knew youd eventually come to your senses" he said. "Whot just like that?" a guy with acen all over his ugly face said "shes on the side with Mudbloods and Bloodtraitors and just like taht you frogice her boss?" he asked. "And you are?" i asked with a raised eyebrow "Stan Shunpike" he said "Hmm doestn ring a bell" i said in fake thought "oh wait your the one who was arrested last year for spilling death eater secrets right? Now i remember you!" i said and he turned red. "I well i didnt think anyone was listening" he said and i laughed an evil dark laugh to compete even my mother's laugh "idiot fool" i said "you never know when anyone is listening and anyways why were you even in a bar with so many Mudblods and Bloodtraitors when you know full well that there is a bar for only Purebloods just a few blocks away?" i asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. "I-i was trying to recruit new people" he said "then why were you spilling secrets and not using invisibilty and silencing charms?" i asked. My father laughed again and said "settle down now Jaya, your father is a forigiving man now do come sit next to Draco and your mother" he said and i bowed again tehn went to sit next to my cousin the only person who i knew loved me that i had left. When i was sitting Draco gave me a look and i gave him one telling him to shut up and we stood still while teh meeting took place.

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