Chapter 60

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"Am i too late? Has it already started? I only just found out I-i" Percy said as he fell into the room of Requirements when i was walking into the room.

"So ow eez little Teddy?" a girl with blonde hair asked the one i recognized to be my cousin's husband.

"What? Oh hes fine. He's with Tonks and her mother" he said "Ive got a picture!'

"I was a fool!" Percy howled "I was an idiot! A pompousprat, i was a-a-"

"A ministry loving, family disowing Power hungry moron" Fred said.

I hid behind a pillar so i didnt hear what else was being said until Fred came out of the room. I pulled him to the side.

"What the? Jaya?! What are you doing here?"

"I couldnt go out there without first doing this" i said and got on my tip toes to kiss him deeply and passionatly "there now i have the courage to do this".

I pressed a hand to my locket and he did the same, as a reflex. "Never let go" he whispered

"Never let go" i said then ran off to the Great Hall.

When i got there McGonagoll was saying a bunch of things i didnt care about. It wasnt until i heard a slithery slippery voice speak did i begin to pay attention.

"I know you are preparing to fight. Your efforts are futile. You cannot fight me. I do not want to kill you-"

"My arse" i muttered

"I have great respect for the teachers of Hogwarts-"

"Cause you couldnt become one"

"I do not want to spill magical blood"

"There it is!"

"Give me Harry Potter. And none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter, and i shall leave this school untouched. Give me Harry Potter and you shall be rewarded. You have until midnight"

The silence in the room was defeaning, noone dared to make a move, that is until Pansy Parkinson stood up "But he's ther! Potter's there! Someone grab him!" she shrieked.

And then she had somewhere around 3500 wands pointing at her.

"Thank you Miss. Parkinson, you will leave the hall first with Mr.Flich. If the rest of your house could follow" McGonagoll said.

"Ravenclaws follow on!" i heard her say as we the Slytherins were directed down to the dungeons

(A/N: I know that in the book they leave but just stay with me here will ya?)

We all squashed into one of the dungeons, we werent used to being stuck in such a small space at the same time.

"Ugh how dare they stick us down here like animals!" Pansy shrieked

"Shut it Parkinson its your fault we're even in here" i said from my perch on a tall shelf, i dropped to the ground so that my robes billowed around me. "But we dont HAVE to be down here"

"What are you talking about Jay?" Theo asked

"Im talking about.... fighting" i said

"No way am i going against Granger!" a 7th year boy said and murmurs of agreement sped through the room.

"Im not talking about going AGAINST Granger" i said "im talking about fighting WITH them"

Gasps filled the room "BLASPHEMY!!!"

"Look, its not like we're getting anywhere being on Vodemort's side. And for what? To keep following in our parents footsteps? I say fuq that! Why must we continue to live in the same deteriorating enviorment that our families have lived in for centuries? And for what do we stand all this humiliation, hatred, and abuse? Not by our peers but by our parents? Just to be accepted in this community we call 'pure bloods'?" i said.

"In this room the purest pure blood is me" i said "and that is beause my grandmother's family married their cousins! You all think your better than everyone else, not because you really think that but becasue you were raised that way! I am not a Pure-Blood, i am not a true Slytheirn nor a true death eater and i am proud of all that. I am my own independant being and i will not let anyone tell me otherwise, i will not let my father take control of my life" i declared

"And you shouldnt either! Living under the thumb of our 'Dark Lord'? Well that isnt a life at all! Be your own person! Dont worry about what other think of you. Tonight. Make a change people. Please, dont be afraid to show your true colors" i whispered urgently "i stand up, and i fight for my people, my true people, the human race"

Everyone stood silent for awhile, taking in my words.

"You double crossing bich! Who do you think you are fooling? Not one person in this room will take you seriously you two faced whore!" Pansy said.

She was proven wrong 2 seconds later when Theodore Nott stepped up "i dont want to be defined by who my parents are" he whispered.

"Nor me" Millicent Bulstrode said

"Nor me"

"Nor me"

Slytherin after Slytherin stepped forward, until everyone except for Pansy, Draco, Goyle and Crabbe where left standing back.

"Draco?" i whispered

"I-i cant Jay, i have to do this" he said and looked down then him and his croonies left the room.

"You bich! I am going to tell your-"

She was shut up by a good Petrificus totalus charm from a 1st year.

"What? We have guts too you know!" she said in her defense.

"Baby while i find your courage amazing, you cant find today. People you need ot be 15 and over. Screw this 'being of age' crap" i said and cheers came from the 15 and 16 year olds while the 11-14 year olds groaned.

"Can a few of you carry her with you? I believe evacuations are in the Room of Requirement" i said and they nodded. "The rest of you follow me" i said and blew open the door to the dungeon...

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