Chapter 22

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"That little slut!" I growled as Blaise cleaned the spot were Daphne had just ripped out my eyebrow piercing "calm down your making it bleed even more" he said. "Sorry its just shes such a bich and she tried to slap Tawny!" i growled again, he leaned in and kissed my neck trying to calm me down, we were now in his room and hes wearing pajama bottoms and a wife beater."Okay okay ill shut up" i said wrapping my arms around his neck and deepening the kiss "you do realize that my sister and your cousin will be back from getting the pizza and movie any minute right?" he asked "fine!" i whined then i went to get into my pajamas then Tawny and Draco came, Tawny was already in her pajamas. "Hey man can i borrow some PJ's?" Draco asked Blaise and Blaise threw a pair of pajama bottoms and a wife beater at him aswell "thanks" Draco said then he went into the bathroom and put it on. "So weve got Cheese Pepperoni and Sausage pizza and here are the movies" Draco said "Splice, The Forgotten,Scream, and Orphan" he said "Scream" me and Tawny said at the same time "Orphan" Blaise and Draco said "Zabini you would contradict your own girlfrien?!" i pretended to be ofended "but come on Scream is so badly done and not scary" Blaise whined. "Then lets watch Splice" Tawny said "deal" i said and Draco nodded then he put the movie in, i snuggled into Blaise as it started and Tawny put her head on Draco's shoulder and he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, so that was who she had been talking about. "Blaise im cold!" i whined in an attempt so that he wouldnt notice Draco and Tawny, i had to admit they did look good together Tawny eventhough her mother was tanned and her brother was dark skinned was Pale and she usually wore gothic makeup and she had black hair but all that made perfect contrast with Dracp's pale features but i dont think Blaise would think of that. Blaise wraped his arms around me tighter and pulled me closer "is that better?" he asked into my ear and i shook my head with a grin he leaned down and kissed me on the lips "your little tricks wont work while my little sister is in the room" he whispered in my ear and i pouted. "Oh you know I Love You- Hey!" he said because just at that moment Draco and Tawny kissed "what do you think our doing?!" Blaise said letting me go Draco started to stutter and then they both started to argue "shes 13!" Blaise yelled "13 not 11!" Draco yelled back. As their argument got louder and louder i simply turned up the volume "couldnt you stop them?" Tawny asked me "listen Tawns ive been friend with them for 5 years and ive figured out the best way to deal with them is to just let them be" i saidbut she chose to ignore me. "BLAISE JUST SHUT UP ITS MY DECISION WHO I DATE AND WHO I DO NOT DATE!!!!!!" Tawny yelled getting to her feet "you know what its not your decision im your older brother and if i say your not old enough to date then your not!!" Blaise yelled "Im the same age you were when you started to date Jay!!!" she yelled "no i was 14 you are 13!" he yelled "well you had already shagged tons of girls and you had been crushing on her since you met her!!!" She yelled and he went slightly red. "Yeah well Draco is a bloody death eater!!!" He yelled "Jaya is Voldemort's daughter!" she yelled and it suddenly went quiet "you told her?" i whisper asked Blaise and he shook his head "you!" i yelled at Draco who had his head down. "I hate you!" i yelled at him then i ran into the bathroom and locked the door then i fell on the floor and started to cry and then i heard some fists pounding on the door "Come on Jay open the door!" Tawny yelled "baby please!" Blaise yelled "can you really blame me i mean its not that big of a deal Jay!" Draco yelled. I opened the door quickly "NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL?!?!?!" i yelled at him "Draco my father killed tons of people murdering blood runs through my veins up until a couple months ago my eyes were blood red. If you can look me in the eye and tell me that then you honestly are an idiot" i told him. "Voldemort killed my father" Blaise whispered "he was my mother's first husband and Voldemort wanted her to be with him when she wouldnt he killed my father and ever since then all of her husbands dont last" he said. "See Draco if my father killed the father of the man i love then it is a big deal" i said "i should just go" Draco said and me and Blaise who had tears in his eyes nodded.

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