Chapter 34

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For the rest of the holidays we basically shagged every day and we didnt actually have to do anything at all because Mrs.Malfoy was so scared of me she didnt say a single word to me.

It felt good to finally be back at Hogwarts away from that bich whos afraid of me and back with Pansy who was my best friend now.

Me and Pansy were talking alot during Dinner so we didnt eat much then the next day we got alot of homework from the teachers so after classes me and Pansy went to the Library. "I swear i am never going to get through N.E.W.T.S Tranfigurations while in a relationship before i could get reavenclaws to do it but now dam Blaise and his hottnes" i said and she laughed "you love him and you know it!" she said. "Yeah well theres that too" i said and laughed along with her. "Hey you 2 quit the laughing and someone help me get this book im studying for O.W.L.S you know!" Tawny called from a few aisles away and i went over to see what she was yelling about. She was trying to get a book a few shelves up "Oh Tawns grab a ladder" i said and pushed it to where she wanted it then i reached up and grabbed it then i threw it down at her "and the one next to it please!" she said "and that one at the top!" she pointed and i reached up just as i did i lost my grip on it and it started to shake "woah!" i said as the ladder shook then out of nowhere it toppled down and then i fell on top of the ladder and id fallen a few dozen feet. Everything seemed to have stopped as i fell i could hear Tawny scream then Pansy come to see what had happened but everything seemed to not be happening i felt myself being lifted up by Pansy and Tawny and i felt myself get lowered onto a bed in the Hospital Wing but still.

After Madam Pomfrey had shoved a few potions down my throat the feelings returned. "So am i okay?" i asked her "oh yes the fall didnt hurt the baby at all" she said and time seemed to stand still again "the-what?" Pansy finally asked "the baby what didnt you knnow your pregnant Ms.Smith?" Madam Pomfrey asked but i could answer i was so shocked. "Well since you dont know then you clearly havent been taking pills to take care of that baby." She handed me a bottle of pills "take one of these every morning and eat well" she said "how long?" i finally asked "1 month" she answered "that cannot nearly be enough time for us to know though!" i said "Ms.Smith we have more ways to know than muggles do now off you go you need to rest" she said cheerily and i got off the bed shakily and then out of the Hospital Wing. Instead of going to the Great Hall for Dinner i went up to my Dormand Pansy followed me not long after "Blaise was asking about you you know." she said but i just kept hugging my pillow "you should tell him" she said to no response "well atleast eat right and take those pills" she said and climbed off my bed leaving a plate of food which i flushed down the toilet later on.

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