Chapter 18

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The news that wed broken up spread through the school like wildfire and we were both bombarded by people some who wanted to make sure we were alright and others who just wanted to shag us.

Actually though me and Blaise didnt speak or even acknowledge each other's presence at all i mean we did both know that the other was shagging like but nothing much besides that until the annual Slytherin bash which we always held on Valentines day.

The day of the party i went to classes then i slept for a little and then i woke up half an hour before the party and got dressed in and i piled all my hair on top of my head and then put on some lip gloss eyeliner and mascara. Finally when i was ready me and Pansy (we had actually started hanging out) entwined our arms and went downstairs to were the party was now on full swing. "See you in the Dorm later" i told Pansy and she nodded. Soon i was a bit tipsy and was dancing on top of a table with a group of girls underneath me umong them was Astoria and Daphne Greengrass, Milicent Bulstrode and Pansy. "So Blaise asked you to be his Girlfriend?" Milicent asked Daphne "yes i was there it was really cute how he asked her" Astoria said and i felt my body go tense, Pansy gave me a look that said dont do it. I climbed off the table and towards the refreshment table then i grabbed a bottle of fire whisky and started to chug it i looked over and saw Blaise on a couch talking to Draco.


"I told you i have no clue how i ended up asking her to be my girlfriend" i told Draco for the hundreth time "its complete idiocy i tell you!" Draco yells at me. "I get it i get it!" i say like a beaten puppy "oh no dammit" Draco says as he looked around the room and spotted Pansy walking towards them. "Hey Draco" she says "Zabini" she says to me coldly then she sits on Draco's lap and then she kisses his neck and whispers something in his ear that makes his eyes widen. Pansy gets off his lap slowly then he grabs him by the arm and drags him out into the hall i do not want to know what theyre doing.


Pansy came and sat down on my lap then she kissed my neck and whispered in my ear "she heard" she says and i know what she ment. She pulled me up and took me into the hall and there in a small corner was Jaya holding a bottle of firewhisky and crying "oh annabell" i said softly then i kneeled down next to her and pulled her onto my lap. "I know i shouldnt be crying i broke up with him and i know hes been with other girls but just it hurts i was his first girlfriend and now he has another one it just makes it seem like what we had wasnt that special anymore" she cried into my shoulder. "I know it hurts hun i know" i stroked her back as she let it all out "I love him so much but i dont want to hurt him" she said "i know you love him and you dont want to hurt him but you hurt him by breaking up with him in the first place sweetie" i explained and she nodded. "I know i know im being stupid i know but i cant stop thinking about him hes just so hot and i love him!" she said again then took another large swig of the bottle. I wrenched it out of her hand and threw it behind me it landed on the floor with a loud crash "listen to me" i grabbed her shoulders and made her face me "he still loves you too but unless you step up and tell him then he wont know and hell always be sad but if you dont then youll always find someone else and so will he" i told her and again she sobbed harder. "Shes prettier than me thats it Daphnes prettier than me" she said "no shes not shes just a snotty little BJOD girl" i said (urban dictionary it) no use she had just slumped back and passed out "stupid i cannot believe im reltaed to her" i muttered under my breathe as i grabbed her from the waist and started to carry her back into the common room were the party was still going and Blaise was making out with Daphne.

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