Chapter 52

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My eyes fluttered open and as soon as I looked around I flew up.

I was in a plain white room. There wasn't any furniture and my hands were tied together as were my feet. I was in the middle of the room then I crawled into a corner and wrapped my arms around my knees burrying my hands in my hair and I stArted to well frankly hyperventilate.

I heard the door to the room open and in came Neville Longbottom. I tried to press myself as close to the wall as possible and I knew my face looked completely frightened with red puffy eyes and tear streamers cheeks.

"Please don't hurt me" I whispered.

"What? Why would I hurt you?" he asked

"Because your a stinking blood traitor who hates me because im a death eater and Voldemort's daughter" I said 

"Why are you here?" he asked getting up in my face.

"Screw you!" I said and spat in his face.

He whiped the spit from his face and asked me the same question

"I have no reason to tell you. You blood traitor!" I screamed in his face. "I'm not afraid of you nor do I have reason to as I am the dark lord's daughter".

"I really don't care who your father is. What do you want from us?"

"Nothing you-" I started to gag then I started to cough and soon enough blood came out of my mouth and i felt my face heat up greatly. I starts seeig double and then red.


She spat in my face and I groaned.

"Nothing you-" she said then started to gag and cough soon that club turned to blood and her face was heatIng up quickly and she was sweating.

I stepped out of the room and wiped the spit off my face while Lavendar and Parvati went in and started to give her potions just to keep her alive and awake.

"Man that bich is crazy!" Seamus said.

"I dotn know," i said "she didnt seem angry or crazy, in her eyes she looked more i dont know,,, scared than anything else" i said. "Right when I went in her first words were 'please don't hurt me'"

"So what are you saying Longvottom?" Seamus asked

"maybe she's not doing it for fun or because she wants to. Maybe- maybe she NEEDS to"

"What do you suggest we do?" Ginny asked 

"Give her the medicine she needs to stay alive with that curse hermione put on the coin. And observe her, from a distance of course, see what she's up to" I said and they nodded along.

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