Chapter 13

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As i pulled the dress on i realized you could see the scar on my neck/shoulder from when me and Blaise had done it, he had bitten into my neck and it ended up turning into a scar. I really dont know why hed done it but at the time i didnt feel any pain from it i only felt the pleasure. I covered it with some makeup and then i put mousse in my hair checked in the mirror one final time and then i walked out the door, downstairs to were the party was already starting. I saw some girls probably from his fan club hitting on Blaise, i walked over to them strutting, making sure my long legs showed completely. When i reached them sure enough the girls were flirting, i wrapped an arm around Blaise's waist "shove off we were here first" one of th em whispered "actually this ones taken why dont you go get the blond" i unwrapped my arm from him and stood infront of them, they were quite short so i towered over them "run along now" i said and moved my hand. They walked away fuming. I turned to Blaise when theyd left "honestly do i have to write taken on your forehead?" i asked "its not like its my fault they think glasses are $exy" he said. I started to laugh at that "i didnt know anyone thought that" i said between laughter "oh so you dont think im $exy?" he asked and i shook my head "Nope" i said "u huh" he said getting closer to me. "What if do this?" he asked and kissed me on the neck "nope" i replied he kissed me on my shoulder "no" i said he kissed me on the cheek then he kissed me on the lips "alright alright your $exy" i said. Draco walked over to us looking slightly bewildered "alright those were the weirdest girls ever" Draco said "ah yes those 2" i said looking at the direction hed pointed to "sorry we mightve set them on you" Blaise said then he explained.

The rest of the night we spent drinking alot of Fire Whisky, Butterbeer and Muggle Tequila with a bunch of people who i didnt know but Blaise and Draco seemed to which was a surprise since there were so many people. At some point in the night me and Blaise made our way to my room and shagged madly, this time i bit into his neck and im pretty sure it would leave a scar since i had tasted blood.

The next morning i woke up with my leg around Blaise's body which was sleeping on his back with an arm wrapped around me, my hands were on his chest and we were both naked, his pillow was blood stained and his neck was bleeding slightly and you could just see a bite mark. I got out of bed and sat on the edge as i grabbed my underwear and put it on then i stood up and grabbed a pair of tight fitting jeans just as i was slipping them on blaise woke up. "Well good morning" he said "good morning" i said leaning in to kiss him, as our lips met he reached his hands up and grabbed my boobs in his hands "Blaise" i squealed "oh that was too loud" i said and grabbed my head "i swear im never drinking again" i said "you say that now" he said as he rolled out of bed. I grabbed a bra and slipped it on then i put on a belly tee and then i pulled on a pair of Nike High tops, i pulled my hair into a ponytail and put on Sun glasses to hide my blood shot eyes and well the light hurt my eyes. I turned and saw that blaise was now in a T-shirt and Black Jeans with Nike's he was also wearing Sun Glasses. "I found my contacts" he said "whatever right now i need coffee" i said and walked out of the room into the hallway "Watch out Drunk Teens" i told Blaise as i saw a few people passed out on the floor "ah damit" he said and i heard him mutter 'Aguamenti' a few times and a few shrieks followed "can you check by the pool?" Blaise asked as he catched up to me "sure let me just make some Hangover Potion" i said "we have some in the fridge" Blaise said. I went down to the kitchen and grabbed a vial from the Fridge i chugged half of it then i walked to the Pool area i looked around and it was pretty empty except for a few people sleeping on chairs and a few others around it i woke them up quickly and shoved them out the front door then i went back to the pool deck and for some reason i checked inside the pool. "Crap" i muttered i said when i saw that Draco was at the bottom of the pool with a bubble around his nose and mouth "Stupid arsehole making me get wet" i said as i took my shoes off, i pulled my socks and jeans off then i jumped into the water and popped the bubble around his nose and mouth then i pulled him back up to the deck. "A-hole" i muttered as he woke up "oh shut up and get me some Potion" he said "you go get it" i said, he sighed and stood up rather clumsily "woah Jaya you actually have a body" Draco said as he saw me, i punched him in the arm and he walked to the kitchen, i pulled my jeans back on but i didnt bother with my socks and shoes instead i picked them up and walked to the kitchen. I left my shoes infront of the door and walked in to find Blaise and Draco both chugging vials of potion Jo wasnt there but Kat was. "What is she looking at?" i asked "mum's latest stand" Blaise said "look" he pointed and i saw a dude no older than 20 standing there with Kat's brown eyes staring at him, he looked uncomfortable then Kat said "are you my new daddy?" and he ran away. We all started to crack up including Tawny and Kat "pay up" Kat said in a very normal sounding voice turning to Blaise "what the i thought you couldnt talk right?" i said to Kat "nah only in the morning i cant" she said with a wave of her hand, Blaise handed her a galleon and she walked up to her room. "Your family is messed up" i told Blaise and he shrugged.

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