Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
What are you doing here

3 years ago
September 17th 2015
Howard university;

There was 2 things that i loved; history and medical sciences. Nerdy? I know but they were just so...fascinating. Thats why i took this course -african history, There was just a few things that bothered me the man who taught this class (who was just a substitue for the next two semesters while the actual woman was on maternity leave), how most people in here seemed uninterested didnt care to challenge the teacher if they thought he was wrong, and lastly the dickhead that sat in the back of the class with his corny ass friends who talked and made noise through out the class. Its always been a competition between the two of us since the first day i met him, i left him and my frustrations back in massachusetts so what the hell was he doing here? I didnt really care that much i just wished he shut up.

"African history was...DIFFERENT and much of the was lost through out the years when they migrated ov-" i couldnt take it any more.

The caucasity!

I scoffed and of course it had been a time when the entire class was actually quiet and not blaberring about what parties was comming up or who had the answer key for another class.

"Different? You say that with a condescending tounge african history was beautiful africa itself was a land of beauty, power it was rich in not just its goods but the energy of the people as well all the culture wasnt lost it was literally beaten out of my ancestors our culture was burned stomped on and thrown into the sea our goods were stolen and now hang in museums across the world that you can see if you pay a ridiculous fee!" I yell at him furious my blood was boiling my teeth clenched and fist balled up in anger.

"Anything else you want to say?" He ask annoyed with that same bored look on his face.

"Yeah my people didnt "migrate" here they were kidnapped tricked and torn away from their families by YOUR ancestors" i add with a matter of fact tone to my voice. I hear the creak of the wood and look down noticing my fist is tightly holding onto the desk pulling it up at the edges, i clench my hands together instead.

"Thanks for the lecture now do me a favor and get out of mine" he snaps face red his now greasy graying hair flopping into his face. I give a dry chuckle as i put my laptop back into my bag and head to the door a few rows behind me.

"With pleasure" i add throwing up the peace sign as i make, what im sure was a dramatic exit.

I end up in the gym. This was the only way i knew how to let out my anger. I hadnt intended for this many people to be here this close to midday but im not bothered by the stares... i usually get them every time im here. I start off on the treadmil running. I roll back my shoulders as the music blast through my headphones and kendrick lamar gets my adrenaile pumping. Its not long before im sprinting and i watch the distance i ran turn from 3 miles to 12.

Out of the corner of my eye i notice someone on the treadmil sprinting faster then me. Not just a random someone but none other than Erik. Rolling my eyes i turn up the speed to go faster when i notice him do the same thing and its not long before were competing against another on every piece of equiptment we can touch.

"I definately won" i breath out heavily as we head out the door of the gym and i pull my sweater over my sports bra.

"Yeah ok princess" he scoffs zipping up his hoodie as well. I eye him suspiciously... something wasnt adding up. How did he magically end up here when i did? Why did he transfer from mit to howard and how the hell he ended up in two of my classes?

"Are you stalking me?" I ask with crossed arms and a raised eyebrow. Erik stops and turns around with a smirk eyeing me up and down.

"Me? Stalking you?-" He laughs throwing his head back. "-You wish. But i will admit your ass looks nice in those shorts" he teases licking his lips earning another eyeroll.

"Must you be so vulgar?" I question rhetorically pulling my sweater down to cover my butt which he laughs at, once again.

We walk in a peaceful silence until we get to my street. And im glad no more of his degrading comments or cocky remarks interrupted the peace.

"Good night sweetheart, dream about me" he winks as i walk to the front door. I knew he couldnt go long without opening that repulsive mouth of his.

"I promise you i wont, bye erik"

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