Chapter 27

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Chapter 27
Murder scene

(I hate to be "that" author but uhh... for some reason my likes arent matching up with my views like its literally not even half and yall...i am confusion but heres the next chapter and its actually dated back a few months from where the last chapter left off)

unknow pov•
February 28th 2016

My body is shaking with adrenaline as i walk through the dark and empty home letting my gloved hands run over the now shattered picture frames of their "perfect family" and grin at my work. The only sound ive heard for the past half hour was the humming of the air conditioner and the occasional car driving past.

I was so sick and tired of the bullshit America allows to happen, the blatant disrepect, ignorance and disregard for people of color and i have had ENOUGH. There's to many perpetrators in the law enforcement from crooked cops to easily influenced judges the whole damn government was crooked. They didnt give a damn about right or wrong nor did they want justice they wanted money and power. But people like me had the power to fix that- i had the strength, stealth agility, i was raised as a weapon and could easily cover my my sleep...with one hand.

They fucked with the child of the wrong parent because i was here for vengeance and filled with a bunch of malice. Only one of us was walking out of here tonight alive and me personally...i had a test id been studying for and i planed to get an A.

It was close to midnight and he shouldve been here at 10:17 thats the exact time he pulled up into the drive way for the past month that ive watched him. Sighing i sit in a chair at the table crossing my hands stairing out the window until flashlight blare through. I feel the sinister smile on my face grow as i hear him whistling, his shoes come down the hall to the kitchen where im at. Its dark, pitch black so i know he cant see me i just turn around in the chair as he turns on the kitchen light.

His whistling is replaced with a shriek when he sees me sitting there which only makes my grin grow.

"Who the hell are you? How the hell did you get in here! Doesnt matter your on my property i can shoot ya, i beat one case i can do it again" he panics before going over to grab the gun from over the fireplace. He aims it at me, clicks the safety off and goes to shoot but nothing comes out of the double ended barrel. I watch as his face goes from a light pink to red and chuckle. I watched this man turn 3 colors yet they call us colored?

I throw the 5 bullets at his head and snicker at how they bounce of his bald fat milk dud head and clink onto the floor beneath him.

"Who am i? You dont remember seeing me in court after you brutaly beat my kid? When you permanately damaged his eye?" I growl slamming a bat into his head right near his eye. He lets out a cry of pain stumbling back and i only chuckle as he reaches for the gun on his holster and aims it at me.

Snatching the gun i slam my body weight into his throwing him onto the ground and slamming the gun against his other eye earning another yell of agony.

Snatching the gun i slam my body weight into his throwing him onto the ground and slamming the gun against his other eye earning another yell of agony

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