Redemption 47 part 2

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Chapter 47 part 2
New addition

It seems like after the announcement of the pregnancy was when Malikas stomach began to show more, it seemed to grow every day. As her stomach grew so did her hormones the only thing that didnt grow was the closeness between her and N'jadaka.

While they both had still been getting therapy they no longer went together, mainly because they werent on speaking terms but also there was alot of things they needed to work on about themselves before working to be with anyone else.

Shuri squealed upon seeing her cousin walk into her lab and ran up to him hugging him. Confused as to why she was hugging him he stood there awkwardly until the lanky teen pulled him to her work station.

"Whos the biggest genius you know?" She ask with a proud smirk nose turned up and hands on her hips as he sat down. A smirk of his own appears on his face as he watches his quirky cousin ready to accept his complement.

"I am" he replies with the same cocky smirk and shuri glares at him making him fall into a immidiate chuckle. No amount of therapy could fix his cocky attitude.

"If you were such a genius then youd have been the one to solve why your eyes turn liquid gold at times, but you didnt. I did" she taunts as the smirk comes back while she begins her holographic presentations that includes pictures of the heart shaped herb, a jaguar, a list of traits and a ball of yarn.

"Anyways when you take the purple herb, it gives you the cat like abilities based off not just t'challa being the original but also your personality. You are difficult, extremely hard to read, very temperamental and aggressive" she explains to him as the holograph shows a picture of him in the suit which he isnt exactly sure how she got.

"Ok so my eyes?" He ask still confused as to why she was telling him about that.

"Shut up and let me finish" she snaps and yes maybe his behavior was rubbing off on her a little bit. "Its also a part of you being part jaguar now the need to protect your baby cub which is why you dont like other men around mal and the need to keep mal close is your possesiveness while watching out for anyone thats a threat. The gold eyes is pride for your growing family" she educates as the list shows revealing character traits.

Taking everything in N'jadaka takes mental notes. He cant help but still be happy he was about to be a dad, a little him or a little mal running around excited him. He could already picture the dynamics now mal being the only stern one while he was the friendly one— always playing, teaching their kid how to fight, how to shoot and all the things his dad taught him.

He could here mal yelling at him now but he didnt care and he can see her sitting in a rocking chair with their kid telling them the stories of their ancestors while mal had that loving look in her eyes the same one she gave—

"Ow! Shuri what the fuck was that" he hisses at his cousin holding the arm that she just stabbed a needle into.

"You said you would help me conduct an expirement and you were doing that weird thing where you zone out with that big stupid smile so i stuck you" she shrugs pouting that the needle didnt even stick him through his skin, just broke against it. She forgot to mention the jaguar in him had made his skin tougher, reflexes faster and enhanced his senses 10 fold to protect his mate and cub.

"Youve been doing that for the past 2 weeks What do you even think about anyway?" She ask taking her gloves off and throwing them away at her work station.

"None of your business nosy and dont get that probe shit to try and read my mind again either" he scowls crossing his arms as the younger girl laughs putting in a code on her keypad. A drawer opens revealing a bottle of water a bucket and a string.

Redemption• E. KillmongerWhere stories live. Discover now