Redmption 49 part 1

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King behavior

If ive said it once ive said it a million trillion times, i looooove writing the evolution of mal & N'jadaka. And a couple chapters ago someone said they felt it sucked she got pregnant so early in life and they thought it ment she couldnt be a bad ass no more.

They thought wrong.


That was all i could see. But i didnt need to see much i could hear everything. I could hear the sound of air conditioners hanging out of apartment windows, the condensation leaking off a cat further down the alley and the clicking of eriks shoes against the wet pavement.

I turn around huffing air through my nose making him stop.

"We can talk about your little attitude later Malika, right now we have way more important shit to worry about" he hisses at me and i lower my dark sunglasses raising an eyebrow at him. He stands up straighter puffing out his chest pushing his glasses up.

"Really? Because its from how careless you are you think that wont affect the mission?" I ask him with a growl shoving him slightly with a head tilt. He rolls his eyes brushing past me. "And theres the fucking proof" i huff following him.

N'jadaka and i were currently back in america, california to be exact going on a mission...his first mission as the golden jaguar. Klaue might have been dead but his legacy still lived along with the vibranium he had hidden among the army recruits he had. They were all black ops like erik but didnt necessarily have the training like him nor drive.

"Anything else you want to nag me about? Wanna complain about my outfit being two different shades of black or how much my army pants annoy you?" He snaps at me eyeing the alley once more. Looking over his outfit i smirk about to reply but he beats me to it. "Youve got some nerve who the fuck brings a purse to a gun fight?" He snarks.

"Why is it always a cold dark wet ally, how come its never like daylight or a nice green garden" shuris voice speaks into both of our ears. Yup she somehow bribed us into being in on this mission. We gave her the job of "info tech". Its what we give the rookies who wanted to be apart of something. Nobody goes into a fight without knowing information but if youve never been on the physical side you wouldnt know that.

"Im not nagging" i grit out through clenched teeth pushing a curl back that had fell out of my sleek bun while ignoring shuri. "But would it kill you to atleast wait until zaras 5 before teaching her the names of guns and would it kill you to not leave your papers everywhere" i blurt taking the lead when he slows down.

He goes to open his mouth and say something when gunshots are heard from above us and we both duck out of instinct.

"4 Bullets...came from 3rd level, east direction" erik speaks suiting up and climbing up the wall of the building it came from. Using a dart gun that has a string attatched i shoot it at the window and press the button which carries me off the ground at the same speed erik is climbing.

"4 bullets? Hes anxious a confident guy wouldve hit his target and left it at one, plus he forgot the silencer" i speak with a smirk proving erik wasnt the only smart one. When we approach the window— its obvious the glass is shattered, It takes no time to climb in and observe.

"Why not go check the dead guy?" Shuri screams into the headset and i roll my eyes. She was such a amateur, erik clearly has the same idea since he shakes his head.

"Last i checked dead men cant speak and hes a witness not the man with the product... if he had the product he wouldnt have been killed at such a distance" i speak into the mic before my phone starts ringing.

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