Chapter 18

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Chapter 18
Crosswords and poison

(Warning: mentions of violence and police brutality but a bonus cut scene at the end)

To drive to the hospital we had to pass by the house and the basketball and there was so many cop cars and even a news truck from the top of the street to the bottom which only makes erik drive faster. We hadnt spoke a word to each other to caught up in our own thoughts of what could have possibly happened. When erik gets to the parking lot i jump out the car and dont wait for him to park i immidiately run in.

"Miss? you have to slow down no running in the hospital" a officer says and i glare at him cause if his kid was here he wouldve ran in to. The emergency room was filled with people not that i payed attention to any of the faces but i notice a distinctive group of police officers in the corner.

"First of all...fuck you" i tell him before going the main desk but the big screen playing stops me from asking any questions.

"Its crazy because its halloween why would you be suspicious about a little kid outside the boy is barely 5 feet what damage could a person that little do"

"Its crazy man you dont even have to have a weapon because having black skin is enough"

"The boy already been through enough what more are yall going to put him through"

I knew they were talking about kendall because where they were doing the interviews had been infront of the basketball court he played at that was at the end of the street.

"Just a few hours ago 11 year old kendall kane was out playing basketball with a oversized hoodie on when he was tazed into a asthma attack and hit with a baton by officer luke walker..." the reporter says as a picture of the officer pops up before going into details but it falls on death ears as i turn to the group of officers in the corner.

"Hey! No running in the hospital!"

"Man fuck you" erik yells and the only reason i hear it is because im storming past him to the group of officers where this 'luke walker' is standing boldly and i go to charge at him but im heald back by strong arms, i cant tell by who because my eyes are filled with rage and the only thing i see is that fat bastard.

"You put your hands on me and ill make sure i get your ass locked up for assaulting an officer" he yells while being "heald back" by the other officers.

"Your father shouldve assaulted your mothers mouth instead of her vagina to avoid you being born" i yell out kicking my legs and my foot connects with the flesh between his legs taking him down. One of the officers chokes back a laugh with a fake cough and i begin clawing at the persons arm who's holding me but due to their sweater im sure they dont feel it.

"Hey hey hey relax i leave you alone for 2 minutes and you kicking niggas in the dick, the fuck?!" Erik says carrying me to a different side of the room and placing me down to face him. "I know you furious but now is not the time unless youre trying to go to jail" he growls in my face holding my arm with a firm hold. Hell yeah i was furious i was seething and i wanted to kill!

"Hey! Listen to me" erik growls out again grabbing my jaw to face him once he realizes im still glaring at the pig. "He's not what we're here for right now" he repeats and i turn my glare on him unaware that erik was the type of person to hold a grudge he never forgot what a person did to him and no matter how long he had to wait he would get revenge. I sigh pushing his hand off of me and walk over to the desk where i first came in at and the lady doesnt give me a second to speak before she gives erik and i visitors wristbands.

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