Chapter 30

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Chapter 30
Not good at goodbyes/ all these memories

Let me start out by saying "im a bad bitch you cant fucking kill me"

Recent events on here sent me into a depressive slum or my black hole as i call it and i had to take some time away from wattpad and i visited my therapist who i havent seen in years and told her the tea of my life and after i felt so much better. But she said the same thing alot of yall said "if thats your outlet dont let nobody take that away"  and you know what i got angry at myself for allowing somebody to put me in that situation where i wanted to give up because this book is alot of people's outlet and escape. This book pops flavor and my readers drip sauce we're going to keep being litt and aint NOBODY going to make me feel uncomfortable, bothered or sad enough to leave something i love. (And i hit 1k followers🔥)

Now lets get into this chapter👇🏾

Observing the airport i notice a few other guys dressed in army uniforms saying their goodbyes to their families and friends. Looking out the glass the weather matches the energy in here: gloomy dark cloudy and sad.

Today was the day kendall came back from summer camp yet also the day Erik got deployed so it was bittersweet. Kendall was talking eriks head off and it wasnt anything new he was repeating things from breakfast about stuff at camp, his new friends his plan to grow out his hair and i knew it was his way of stalling so erik could stay longer.

"Flight 674 will begin boarding all soldiers in 10 minutes" a raspy voice says over the speaker system making a cold chill go down my spine, especially when i hear the sobs begin. I feel my eyes become cloudy and my breath catches in my throat.

"Come on Kendall, its time to go" i tell him with a stern voice though my voice cracks. Out the corner of my eye i notice Erik look over at me but i look away from him avoiding eye contact like i had been all day. I feel kendall grab my hand and clinging on like he was scared to lose me, though he was scared to lose erik. He had already lost his real dad he didnt want to lose his last father figure.

"So you just gon' leave like that?" Erik ask his voice smooth and husky and i freeze, kendall notices and looks up at me confused. He doesnt say anything though just releases my hand and pushes me toward Erik who grabs me a little more roughly then what he usually does. "Aye give me & mal like 5 minutes." He tells kendall who nods and walks to sit over on the bench.

"So no bye? No hug kiss nothing?" He ask and i shake my head looking down at the floor but of course this is Erik we're talking about. He pulls me closer holding my jaw looking down at me with hooded eyes. "Stop fuckin acting like that cause when im gone you gon regret not hugging & kissing a nigga when you had the chance—"

I cut him off "I miss you now and i...i dont want you to go, matter fact tell them you quit then we can go home take you out of this and pretend this never happened" i suggest so caught up in the plan i miss how he smiles and not grins or smirks but genuinely smile when i call his apartment home.

"Babe, you know thats not..." he trails off when our eyes meet and sighs. "Shit. When did you get so attatched" he asked his forehead against mine and i give a sad smile because i knew what he ment. When did he get so attatched to me.

"Somewhere between our drunk nights, spilled secrets and you calling me noodle head" i humm leaning my head against his chest feeling his arms tighten around my waist. I inhale his cologne for the last time squeezing him tightly.

Redemption• E. KillmongerWhere stories live. Discover now