Redemption 48

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Chapter 48

Sitting in my seat among the rest of the tribe leaders i rub my hands over my stomach listening calmly as T'challa speaks.

"I just dont see how she could be a border tribe leader while pregnant, what if something happens how is she to protect wakanda!" One of the elders call out earning a glare. The room instantly fills with tension at the fact that this man not only came for me, but cut off the king while talking.

"If i may speak T'challa..." i begin but dont wait for permission. "First of all i was pregnant when i stopped N'jadaka from taking over wakanda, i was pregnant when i stopped wakabi from trying to kill everyone and im pregnant and can still whoop your ass. Dont disrespect me." I seethe out not appreciating him underminding me. I had been running the border tribe and taking them to new heights that had never before been achieved.

Before anyone else can say anything else N'jadaka barges in with a determined look on his face. It falters when he notices the anger on my face but doesnt speak on it, assuming it was directed at him.

"T'challa i never yeilded...and as you can see im not dead" he yells dramatically through the throne room.

My jaw drops im not sure if i should feel embarassment anger or be flat out annoyed that i was still dealing with a self obsorbed man. He just wanted to be king so bad by any means.

"We already have a king" the same man who called me out sneers at N'jadaka and i cant help but to retaliate. I was still protective over N'jadaka when it came to wakandans because of their unwelcoming attitude was part of the reason he was today.

"And it aint you so stop trying to dictate everything before i challenge you for you tribe and we both know they dont call me little warrior for nothing! Wait 'til i drop this baby" i glare at him itching to pull out my dager at slice that lip ring out.

His eyes widen dramatically and a few 'oohs' are heard but nobody dares to tell me anything knowing i would give them the same treatment. I keep the glare on my face to remind people just cause i was pregnant doesnt mean i was weak or less stronger then before. I feel alot of people forgot just how cunning, strong and dominating yet manipulative i could be, N'jadaka wasnt the only one with a score to settle.

"You think youre fit to be king?" T'challa teases with a smirk but it was calculating...he was testing him to see how he would react. Biting my lip i sit back in my seat watching N'jadakas reaction nervously. The fire in his eyes and the anger shows in his stance.

"Yes." He answers making me release the breath i had been holding and i watch as T'challas eyes flicker over to me.

"I know im fit to be a king. I figured out how to get to wakanda, followed tradition to challenge you, ruled for a few days and in those days...i struggled. All that damn work, between the paper work, daily meetings with tribes and wanting to be the black panther then trying to fix america. You cant do it all by yourself cant be in two places at once nor can you handle the work load" he speaks truthfully and very respectfully. But this is erik we talking about he had a way of adding his own...twist on things.

"So with that being said im no prince im a king, ya digg?" He questions rhetorically and i cant help the smirk.

"Wakanda has never had two kings, and it shouldnt!" The same man yells out but it doesnt matter what he says, ultimately its T'challas decision. T'challa stares at him for a few moments running his thumb over his ring before getting up walking to stand right infront of him. Everyone sits in silence watching as they stare another down while the older cousin lifts his fist up.

Redemption• E. KillmongerWhere stories live. Discover now