Chapter 29

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Chapter 29
Match made in hell
(Because of the delay i gave yall two chapters in one so heres 6,300 word and something extra)

"Well damn" Erik says in awe as we walk into the loft carrying all of our bags except the one carrying my makeup and hair stuff. He was being so aggresive and i couldnt risk anything being broken. Right on cue he drops all the bags with loud thud sounds and i turn to face him but hes already looking around.

Being as i came to the festival every year it was easier to have my own place then to stay in a hotel for a week so of course king T'chaka thought it would be a great idea to buy the whole building

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Being as i came to the festival every year it was easier to have my own place then to stay in a hotel for a week so of course king T'chaka thought it would be a great idea to buy the whole building. Of course other people lived here it was just his property now. The first thing i do is open the patio doors to let in fresh air since it was so stuffy.

"I dont know about you but im hungry—" i begin, thinking about all the food places we passed on the way here.

"We just ate" erik says and i glare at him. Since it was only 3 hours between here and D.c we decided to drive and of course had a few snacks but it wasnt real food.

"Junk food, now come on and let me show you my neck of the woods" i smirk pulling him back out the door earning a chuckle. I show him to my favorite corner store and introduce him to the men outside playing checkers with a big bottle of whiskey between the 3 of them. They use crates as seats and their checker board is old and worn out.

"That board looks pretty beat up, i can buy you a knew one" i tease from behind them and none of them move from their game and one of them even waves me off.

"Little lady i played on this board with Martin luther king and malcolm x i'll be dam—"  the oldest man starts before turning around his whole face lights up when he sees me and i grin as he yanks me away from erik and into a hug.

"Hey Mr. Ryan" i grin hugging him as he rocks me from side to side. Mr. ryan was everybodies grand dad out here, all of these men were except i made aquaintances with him because i offered to buy a new board out of kindness and he gave me a whole speech about how "young people think just because something is old it needs to be replaced if it works its fine" and i argued with the stubborn man about "just because something works just fine doesnt mean it cant be improved". We went back and forth for a hour before he said i was so stubborn he may need a dna test to make sure im not one of his.

Then there was michael and daniel or Mike & dan for short, twin brothers who were complete opposites, looked nothing alike and honestly im not sure if they were really brothers but they were nice and thats all that mattered.

"And whos this?" The three men ask and i grin grabbing Eriks hand with pride.

"Her Boyfriend, Erik" he introduces himself sticking out his hand to the three men who all looked shocked at his politeness yet still shake his hand.

Redemption• E. KillmongerWhere stories live. Discover now