Chapter 26 part 1

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Chapter 26
Part 1
Learning eachother

(Healthy Relationships arent built over night and sometimes jumping in to fast can do more damage then taking time to learn eachother)

Erik was so damn infuriating. We had our first fight today and not our little petty arguments i mean there was yelling, doors slamming and he even walked out 5 days ago...havent seen him since. Kendall tells me that he dropped him off at school the past few days and he seemed fine which meant he was worse on the inside. How did it start? Last monday when we shadowed kendall.

May 14th, 2016

"You must be kendalls...parents" the colonizer says holding her hand out for us to shake but Erik and i just stare at her pale dry hands. Her voice shakes with nervousness, and her thin frame shows all her bones and im not sure if its a curtain or a table cloth but either way its hideous. She nods clearing her throat before going to talk about how kendall is smart just very disruptive and talkative, i nod taking in her accusation but erik just scoffs.

"How exactly is he...?" I trail off and she waste no time telling how he calls out in class, laughs at her and constantly rolls his eye, she almost got punched in the throat for that one.

Walking in the classroom we take a seat at kendalls desk while all the other 6th graders look curiously while giggling and gossiping. The classroom smelled like glue the chairs were uncomfortable and her voice was annoying as hell, i see why kendall was irritated.

"Alright class today we're going to talk about american history" she begins with a smile like some model and i still cant get over how her dress looking like a set of drapes she stole from her grandmothers home.

"Is it going to be real or your alternative facts?" Kendall mutters loud enough for her to hear and erik snickers. I send him a look which he cowers back from and sits up straighter in his seat opening his book.

"Were going to talk about how christoper columbus discovered america-" she begins with that wide horse mouth of hers and kendall cuts her off again.

"Discovered? Columbus got lost and stumbled across america lets be honest, and how can you discover something that was already found thats like me discovering your teaching credentials...well maybe thats not a good example" he says shadily before returning back to his book on maslows theory. I bite my tounge to hold in the laugh and i look at erik sitting their with a proud smirk.  Since we were shadowing we couldnt say anything until the meeting after class so i have no idea why she looked at us like she expected us to chastise him.

When she talks about the native americans and emphasizes the natives didnt want any help from them and were being unappreciative kendall tells her-

"This was their land! Those colonizers came here and called theirselves real americans like they didnt steal their land, kill their people, rape their women and you expect me to believe those colonizers were friends with them?" He scoffs not taking his eyes off his book and some of his classmates look interested in what he was saying before chadwicks daughter looks toward the teacher whos turning red with anger.

"Is that true Ms. Magnolia?" She ask curiously her twist out swaying as she turns in her seat. Ms. Magnolia frowns up her face and fixes her mouth to say no but i stop her.

"Yes its true" i tell her before explaining the truth and how the colonizers and native americans found peace among the land. By the time i was done she was fuming her left eye was twitching, face completely red and hands balled up into fist. It was all starting to make sense, she was teaching them the wrong stuff and kendall being the genius he is has been correcting her and she was just bitter about it.

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