Redemption 38

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Chapter 38
Is what you gain worth what you lose

(So yall we hit 301k reads and i say we because i couldnt do it without yall, love you guys💜)

Tightening my curls in a ponytail, slipping on my knee high heels up my lev and adjusting my leather my jacket before i smirk in the mirror. No synonym for angry was even close enough to describe my level of frustration. I was so angry i couldnt even feel anything except numb.

No matter how much we enjoyed another, or how great the sex was there was no denying many parts of our relationship was unhealthy. But this...i never seen this coming. Taking one last look at the shared apartment i sigh before closing the door and making my way to my new destination.

My body is shaking with adrenaline as i walk through the dark and empty home letting my gloved hands run over the furniture stopping on eriks hoodie that he claimed to have lost weeks ago stopping when i hear a creak. The only sound ive heard for the past half hour was my heels clicking against the floor and the occasional car driving past.

I was fed up with the blatant disrepect, the half truths and how for the past month we had been walking on eggshells around eachother, he was no longer the same guy i met.

I know erik and i know when somethings wrong, we had never lied to each other we just chose to change the topic or not speak on it which to us...seemed better then lying. We had been operating on a dont ask dont tell policy. Instead of going back to wakanda like i was suppose to i disabled the tracking system in my beads and blocked everyone except shuri from contacting me. My work was over when i said it was, not king T'chaka so i kept doing little small missions enough to help but small enough to stay under the radar...unlike Erik who i spotted at the museum we were at earlier with some lightskin petite girl. Now she wasnt ugly...but she wasnt me.

Before jumping to conclusions i watched him go out as i did my missions and this same girl continued to pop up wherever he was. The strange thing about it was they were going to all the museums and libraries that i had took Erik to. Thats enough information to kill both of them and make it look like an accident but im smarter then that...and Erik has way more game then that i know for a fact he was to smooth to take a girl on a date to the same place he took his girlfriend. So i tracked his phone and looked up his location history with this house being the most frequently visited and discovered way more then i bargained for. On the table was one of the first black panther mask that had ever been created though many people had no idea about the true history of it.

Another item was a 2nd century staff made of normal metal but had a slot to insert vibranium which makes it double as a canon blaster, the thing was so old it didnt make sense to retrieve it since it would probably break the minute vibranium touched it.

"Hey! What do you think youre doing here?" A brown skin guy yells out and hes dressed in army pants a white tee and has a A.R15 strapped to his back. I chuckle at him thinking he posed as a threat fo me knowing i can have him unconcious in 5 seconds.

"Dont worry im not here for you, run along" i dismiss him with a wave of my hand still flipping through papers on the oakwood table. I hear his heavy boots thud against the floor before i whip my arm around and bang my fist against his temple knocking him unconcious in— i glance down at my watch, 3 seconds not bad.

Stepping over him i walk into the kitchen grabbing the first bottle i see— Hennessy and its already been chilled like they knew i was coming

Redemption• E. KillmongerWhere stories live. Discover now