Chapter 12

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Chapter 12
Nightmares and solar systems

Pulling eriks hoodie closer around me i jump out the car a little to excited. We were back at the kids house today and i was actually so excited to see all of them.

"I do plan on getting my sweater back unlike my other two jackets" erik grumbles from behind me and i just wave him off. He told me it was going to be chilly but it looked so bright and sunny out that i didnt believe him. He was also being a negative nancy all day like he woke up on the wrong side of the bed or something so when i actually got outside and realized how cold it was he gave me his grey nike sweater.

"If you dont want to be here you can go home" i say turning to face him and i really begin to notice how incongruous he looks. His shirt is half tucked in one of his shoes is tied and the other isnt and his hair...dont even get me started. When i see his hair is a mess i know somethings wrong he never leaves the house with his hair a mess.

"I said im fine" he mutters pushing past me but i grab his arm which he roughly pulls away while sending me a harsh look. He was way to tense and on a usual day he was about 65% angry at the world today hes at like a 90% every little sound, touch and thing irritated him.

"Im not attacking you" i tell him holding my hands up and i watch his shoulder relax slightly before he runs his hands over his face. "You need to go back home and relax i dont know what has you on edge but you're not yourself" i tell him calmly but he just groans annoyed and walks back to the car.

I shake my head and walk inside immidiately being charged by the girls. I laugh and greet every one of them jumping into quick conversation of girl talk while ashton shows off her minion outfit. I notice Kendall sneak past everyone and i frown knowing he was probably expecting Erik to be here. Excusing myself from the group i go up to his room and barge in, if i had knocked he wouldve ignored me.

"Hey Kendall" i say softly and he waves over his shoulder from his desk at me. I notice the basketball rolling by the door and sigh...he was waiting for Erik. "Hes sick so-"

"Its cool" he mumbles writing something down but i still hear the sadness in his voice, the disapointment. Looking around his room i notice every wall is covered in something different it looked like he pulled 4 completely different rooms together. On one wall it looks like a galaxy the wall is black covered with pictures of planets stars asteroids and rocketships its even a small astronaut and some glow in the dark stars. On the other wall its a painted basketball court with pictures of basketball players from different teams their stats and even different uniforms. On the third wall which was the wall his desk was against was shelves with little inventions im more then sure he made, stuff about einstein, carver quotes on malcolm x, rosa parks barack obama martin luther king and even harriet tubman. The last wall was a blank white wall with a picture of him that looked recent and a older man that looked exactly like him.

Looking back at him i walk over to the bean bag by his desk and plop down but he still doesnt say anything. Just continues to write. "How was the museum?" I ask and i see the twitch of the corners of his lips but he quickly drops it.

"It was cool" he mutters out but i dont miss the slight excitement in his voice which makes me smile.

"Just cool?" I ask prying and he shrugs his shoulders but i see the smile on his lips anyway. "You didnt enjoy the fossils and dirt?" I joke and he lets out a chuckle shaking his head.

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