Chapter 19

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Chapter 19
Throw a punch

(Honestly... I love yall man last chapter i had typed up for a few days i just was terrified to post it because i didnt know what kind of reaction i'd get with police brutality, i thought id get alot of hate and backlash but i actually got the opposite even my caucasian /all 6 of yall😂😂\ readers loved how i wrote everything)

November 20th, 2015

Sitting in african american studies next to erik the class was in a uproar. We were discusing how african americans had to work twice as hard and our unspoken language we formed with another since we were the only ones who accepted us and some hispanic boy decided he should blurt out and say everyone accepted black people.

"White america doesnt, many africans actually dont because we dont know the culture, even other minorities dont every race has a hate group for black people and shit even some uppity black people dont like other black people and while we understand "not all white people are racist" there still are racist people and thats who we are talking about!" I defend but another classmate rolls her eyes. A white girl.

"Everybody loves black people, especially the handsome chocolate men" she winks at erik and i have to hold back a smirk as he casually throws his arm over the back of my seat.

"Do you hear yourself thats not loving someone thats fetishizing us which alot of women do which is disgusting" he scowls at her making my smirk widen before i add "Plus learn the difference between loving black people and loving our culture."

"Just cause yall like the dances we come up with, our music, our lingo, our hairstyles and fashion doesnt mean you love us some of yall just culture vultures and cant wait to appropriate our vibe" he says eyeing her down in the menacing way he does and she shys away. I dont understand why she was so scared she thought he was so attractive a minute ago, keep that same energy sis.

"Everybody wants to be black until its time to be black" juel says from behind me right as erik finishes talking and im not sure which comment sent the black side of the classroom into cheering and hollering but its shortly silenced as the dean walks in with a solemn look on his face.

"Sounds like a great class debate going on but i actually need to steal two of your star students erik stevens and malika makenjo" he says looking at us. I slide my stuff in my purse since it was big enough to fit my textbook and laptop before following the dean out of class.

Erik and i share confused looks as we step into the hall and he gives us that weird smile.

"My man look i pay alot of money for tuition so id appreciate if we could wrap this up, time is money" erik finally says and even though i elbow him in his side for being rude i cant help but to agree.

"The navy is paying for your tuition" the dean says matter of factly making erik roll his eyes and adjusting the book bag strap on his shoulder.

"I would like to offer my condolensces about kendall ive been made aware of how close you three are...kind of like a small family" he begins and i arch an eyebrow unaware of where this was going.

"Ok and? Your point" erik ask aggresively squaring up his shoulders while giving the dean the same menacing look he gave the girl in class and the doctor a few weeks ago and i watch as the dean quickly swallows looking away.

"You know news like this spreads fast especially when its on television, a hour ago, some how... some interviewers and papparazi managed to get in and frightened him" he tells us but thats all that needs to be said before me and erik are headed down the hall to the nearest exit.

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