Chapter 20

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Chapter 20
Some things never change

(So im doing something a little different with this chapter, ill put the the flashbacks in italics and the date so yall dont get confused ANDDDD this is going to definately be a emotional powertrip)

March 3rd, 2016

Groaning as i look at all my clothes spread out on my bed i call for amara. We had planned a girls day out to get our nails done, do some shopping and try out a new resturaunt. Our apartment was finally restored and i wasted no time moving back in.

"Have you seen my leather skirt?" I ask as she walks in my room even though we werent the same size there were some clothes that we could both fit.

"Last time i seen it was when you went on the date with did that go anyway?" She ask and i laugh sarcastically.

"Yeah my eyes were opened real quick hes not it for me... Oh my gosh i remember where my skirt is" i tell her slapping my hand against my forehead in rememberance and slight annoyance.

"Eriks place?" She mutters going back to taking her braids out as i groan. Erik and i argued worse then before after the night we got kicked out the hospital and they only got worse as time went on so when they told us about our apartment being fixed i grabbed all my makeup half my clothes and left. "When was the last time you two spoke?" She asked and i look at her with a blank face.

"Do you mean spoke or argued?" I ask and she lets out a small laugh looking through my clothes knowing i wasnt going back to get my skirt so it was better to look for a new outfit all together.

"Last time we really spoke we argued just like any time we speak if its more then two sentences its an argument" i tell her.

January 10th, 2016

"So which one should we take him to first?" Erik ask looking at all the news chanels, vlogs and blogs that wanted to interview him and i scowl at him.

"We not taking him to none of them! dont ask again" i snap at him throwing my trash away. Kendall was in physicall therapy at the moment and we were in the living room eating from some new sub shop he found.

"What?! why not this would be the perfect time to exploit problems in this country. Listen we dont have to do all of them just like 2 or 3 let people see what happened and go from there" he tells me before shoving french fries in his mouth. There was many things wrong with what he said starting with exposure. If i was to go on t.v. With kendall i would be snatched back up and on the first flight to wakanda, while i was hear i was suppose to stay undercover and having my face plastered all over the news wasnt a good move.

"Stop treating this as if its some kind of project, kendall is only 11 dont you think hes been through enough?! He lost his mom at a young age then his dad a few months ago then got brutaly beat by a police officer twice MY SIZE you think he needs to go on tv say how he feels then be gas lighted by the host and receive hate and threats from all kinds of people across this country?" I yell at him standing up annoyed with how erik wasnt thinking about kendall at all.

"Im not treating kendall as a projct but this is something on a bigger scale, this is about the hundreds of people who deal with this. You trying to baby him and shelter him we're suppose to teach him he cant be silenced! Hes a citizen just like the next person and has his rights which include freedom of fucking speach" he yells back and the argument becomes less about whats best for kendall and more of us projecting the childhood we wish we had onto him,

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