Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

My eyes were burning my body was aching and there was a light pounding in my head probably from all the caffeine i was drinking, Looking up at the clock i see its 2:30 am and i sigh. The past couple of days was hell. Not only was my account temporarily frozen for the week but my computer had malfunctioned so all of my homework i did in the past week didnt get submitted and to top it off some pothead set fire to the building i lived in thankfully the fire department had only been a street away so it only burned down his room. The down side? The emergency sprinklers didnt go off which is a housing violation so everyone had been kicked out until further notice.

"You look horrible" i hear and i dont even look up because i already know who it is. No matter where im at or what time it is he always seems to find me. Pulling the pocket knife out my book bag i point it at him.

"I will drive this through your chest repeatedly and maybe even your eye-sockets and throat a few times for the fun of it if you dont leave me alone" i grumble out with a soar throat. Im pretty sure all the caffeine id been drinking was the blame for it. And so i was a little violent? Im pretty sure if you mssed out on sleep you would be to. The chair across from me squeaks as its dragged accross the floor and his pockets jingle as he plops down. Flinching at all the noise he makes because every sound makes my head pound.

"Youve been missing for like 4 days, havent been in class,the spot we volunteer at not even the gym. You also missed a test and some important campus announcements" he says curiousily.

"I didnt know my where abouts were any of your concern. Last i checked we didnt like each other" i scowl angrily with a light sway. The lack of sleep was getting to me. I hadnt realized i been up for 4 days straight with little naps in between or that i missed out on so much. Running my hands over my face i groan before lifting up my sunglasses and rubbing my eyes. Reaching over erik pulls them off my face and just stares.

"You look like some demon from hell your eyes are all red pupils many of these have you drunk?" He ask with a blank face and i shrug.

"I dont know...5 maybe 6?" I shrug snatching my sunglasses back, i know i wasnt the prettiest sight right now and honestly the library lights were hurting my eyes.

"In the past 4 days?" He ask and i scowl.

"More like in the past 8 hours. They taste disgusting but it was giving me energy. Well it was but its not working anymore im tired but my heart is racing and honestly my hands just stopped shaking like 10 minutes ago" i blurt unable to control my impulse control. Im basically a hot mess.

"You smell like coconuts" he adds and i glare at him. Was he playing mind games? I didnt have time for this nor patience. I was running of maybe 2 and 1/2 hours of sleep in the last 24 hours, i didnt have the mental capacity for this right now.

"Yeah well i do take showers" i scoff unamused with his games. All the dorms had showers that basically anybody could use and just because i was basically homeless doesnt mean i was going to not take one. I had to use my resources and as much money as i pay for tuition i could shower where-ever as long as i wanted.

"How i thought they kicked everyone out your apartment for a while" he asked with honest curiosity and i had to drop the knife because i was seconds away from driving it through his chest. I didnt plan on going to jail for murder at this time of night.

"Is that why youre here? To harass me and make fun of me?!" I yell but he shushes me which only makes me angrier. "No you shut the fuck up, im two seconds away from stabbing you leave me in my peace" i snap angrily holding the knife at his neck while he just stares at me unfazed. I bite my tounge because i NEVER cursed and i mean ever. Jail doesnt sound to bad right now. Grabbing my wrist quickly the fast motion makes me drop the knife.

"No thats not why im here, luca lives in the same building as me and when i went to check the mail and him and your friend amara came out of the same room thats how i know about your building. I have a second bedroom-" he begins but i cut him off by laughing.

"No" i state bluntly. This was Erik stevens we were speaking about. This guy was only in it for himself. He never did nice things for people unless he somehow benefited from it and even then sometimes he went back on his word.

9:00 am

I was sitting in the same spot my head layed on my arms one earbud hanging out my ear the other one playing sza softly. I was relaxed my heart now at a normal rate and my head not pounding thanks to the motrin i took. All i was feeling now was exhausted.

"Good morning princess!" You guessed it, no other than Erik says plopping next to me and i dont even have it in me to be angry anymore. Just irritated by his loudness. I send him a wave over my shoulder and return to quiteness until i hear rustling. I sigh dramatically, how dare i think i can return to peacefulness with him here. Hes shoving a whole kitkat in his mouth and i cant help but to stare in disgust. He eats 4 or 5 more before finally realizing im stairing at him.

"Want one?" He ask holding out the bag and i send him a look before sighing and taking 3 out of the bag of minis he has.

"Why are you here?" I ask annoyed.

"You need a place and i need help with those kids. I went by myself yesterday and those little monsters are savages, i dont know how you do it" he says with an exasperated sigh making me let out a slight laugh.

"So thats what you want in return?" I ask and he nods popping another kitkat in his mouth. He had eaten more then half of the bag and the wrappers were all over the table and some hanging out of his green bomber jacket pocket meaning he had eaten some of them before he got here.

"Fine but only because im tired of hearing you being so noisy and i just want to sleep in peace without worrying about being the next meme on social media" i admit yawning as i stand up. And that was how i set my self for a bunch of regret because living with erik for who knows how long sounds like the perfect recipe for disaster.

"So i have rules" i tell him as i walk out of the room he let me use and into the living room where he was setting up the video game. He turns around with a look of disbelief before shaking his head and going back to turn the tv on.

"Youre in my house and you have rules?" He scoffs and i put my hands on my hips knowing this was definately going to turn into an argument.

"I dont know why youre suprised, please, act like you know who i am" i joke begining to take my corn braids out. "Anyways all i ask is that you dont bother me while im doing homework or sleeping" i tell him and he waves his hand dismissively. No this boy didnt! Rolling my eyes i pick out one of his kit kats.

"You can do what you want and eat whatever you want just dont touch my candy-" He finishes hearing me crumble the wrapper. Turning around with a small glare i smile sarcastically before turning around and yelling over my shoulder.

"Im going to sleep for the next 2 days dont bother me" and close the door plopping onto the queen size bed. Looking around i notice a few trophees and plaques scattered around but other then that the room is basically empty except for a bed night stand lamp and desk, theres also a walk in closet that i nosily looked in to. Maybe it wouldnt be so bad.

Yaaaaalll i couldnt wait to write this chapter its super short but this is really where the book starts, and im so excited.

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