Chapter 9

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Chapter 9
Yellow mnms

October 8th 2015 (ive been trying to add the dates but just incase i forget remember the year is 2015)

"I cant believe you did that" i laugh at aaron as we sit across from each other. He took me to a place called cracker barel that was further out from campus so we could have peace and quiet. He had been telling me stories of his childhood and crazy things he did while growing up with his brother.

Drowning my pancakes in syrup i watch as he makes a face of disgust before quickly covering up.

" you not like syrup?" I question cutting them up in a bunch of small squares before taking the first bite. Slowly chewing my food i watch as aaron shoves 2 sausage pattys in his mouth and half of a pancake at once and very noisily might i add. Did all american guys eat like that? I mean erik didnt he put a bunch of food in one side of his mouth but i never heard him chew now did he chew with his mouth open.

"So whats up with you, i heard about your building" he says with food in his mouth and i become slightly disgusted and put my fork down losing my appetite.

" right some pothead burned down the dorms im all good though. It just threw me off schedule and im just now getting caught back up with homework and stuff." I admit playing with my fingers. I didnt even know that he knew and why was he just asking if it happened so many days ago, he had my number.

"You say that like you had doubt? A beautiful and smart girl like yourself should have no problem catching up with things." He says with a smile and wink that make my heart speeds up and i smile glad he couldnt see my blush. We continue with small talk as we eat and occasionaly he flirts and sends me flirtatious looks.

Skipping down the hall i unlock the door doing a twirl inside and Plopping down on the couch across from erik i grin at him until he notices im stairing at him. He glances up from his laptop and gives me a nod before going back to typing.

"Im guessing your date was boring" he says monotonously and i throw my receipt from the resturaunt at his head. He uncrumbles it and shakes his head throwing it next to him. "What kind of guy takes a girl on a date and then makes her pay?" He scoffs and i glare at him. Here he comes with his negativity.

"First of all i payed cause i wanted to not cause he couldnt and why do you think my date was boring?" I ask pulling my phone out of my purse to text amara about my date.

"First of all" he says mocking me and i scowl because im sure he knows by now i hate being mocked. "He didnt take you back to his crib or try to hang out longer and he didnt try anything on sure this kid really even likes you?" He ask not looking up from his screen and i scoff.

"Not every date ends like that besides it was just a first and duh if he didnt he wouldnt have taken me out. Honestly you sound like such a hater just admit you hate him for whatever reason and leave me out of it with your whole "aaron isnt good enough for you" mess." I tell him with an eye roll.

"Its cause he isnt what can that white boy possibly know about dating someone like you" he  mutters shaking his head. And here we go, it was so easy for a argument to start between us it came from the simplest things.

I roll me eyes know where this conversation was going. "Him being white has nothing to do with it. Youre such a hater"

"Me? Hating? Dont make me laugh trust and believe i have taste in people i date i like my women with personality, book and street smart and black everything your little boyfriend is not. But im not about to argue with you we gotta go to visit the kids and id rather not go with a headache" he shrugs closing his laptop and walking away.

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