Chapter 34

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Chapter 34
Jealous tendencies

(A/n: this for all my nasty hoes...all across the wattpad globe

P.s: dont play the song in the mm until yall get to the first black & white picture)
December 3rd, 2016

"Can you stop looking so...evil and smile" i tell erik who sends me a glare as he sits in the seat next to mine with a deep scowl on his face.

"Nah i cant" he replies shortly earning a sigh. For all this he couldve stayed at his apartment i was having a good day and didnt need his negative nancy attitude clouding my day. We were currently sitting in professor Scotts class waiting for her to come to start with todays class well erik was waiting to see who "he" is, though ive explained many times shes a woman.

The  night before:

"We should do something today" i suggest plopping on the couch across from erik already dressed and ready to go for when he agreed but he just looked away from me and back at the game.

"Every time i try to hang out with you or do something its always "i cant" or "im busy" or "i have other plans" and you dont even sound sorry about it" erik snaps with a bunch of anger in his voice.

"Erik i do have other friends i cant always be around you 24/7 365" i groan picking up my phone that beeps with a new notification unaware of how unsensitive that was, earning a glare and Erik begins pressing the buttons harder.

"So does that also include skipping out on plans we had too?" He ask with a little base in his voice and i realize he's serious and actually pissed the hell off.

"It was just to go to the mall and get new candles, plus i didnt think youd want to do that thats why i went with vi" i admitt crossing my legs and unlocking my phone looking at the meme she sent me and giggling until my phone is snatched from my hand.

"Are you talking to another nigga?" He ask and i stand up snatching my phone back. Was he accusing me of cheating?! "You know what fuck that, imma just come to your class with you tomorrow" he shrugs before walking out and slamming the front door. He was taking this whole thing overboard...again.

3rd person
(Because the certified pot stirrer is back and here to make some shit pop off)

"Erik! Your back..?" Jules cheers with enthusiasm though shes slightly confused. There was no way erik could be in this class because he missed the registration deadline and there was only like 3 weeks left in class he wouldnt be able to catch up with the work, so what the hell was he doing here?

"Yup just...shadowing" he tells her in a way that makes him smirk, Malika roll her eyes and Jules just becomes even more confused.

"Riiiight" she drags out looking away from the two and pulls her stuff out for class not wanting to get involved in the couples antics. When Vi walks in she greets the whole class though she sends Malika a sly wink which other student just seen it as their playful friendship, including malika, but to Erik and Vi it was something more.

"Well im glad i came to class today cause some shit is definately about to pop off" Jules grins sipping a imaginary cup of tea. The couple ignores the comment knowing its just Jules being Jules. As class starts so does Eriks dislike for this teacher who was flat out flirting with his girl. He knew he was possesive and the problem that caused last time but he couldnt help himself this was his girl and he made the claim obvious with the bright gold chain that adorned her neck with his name and the way he was sitting so close with his arm wrapped around her.

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