Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
Leg day

Its been a few days since the pizzeria situation and its safe to say i have not been back and luckily for the boy that works there erik hadnt been back. I hadnt seen erik since the night i fixed his hand, not that i was complaining cause i knew it wouldnt be long before he popped up again.

Walking into erik's apartment it was completely opposite of what i expected. It was extremely neat nothing out of place there was no windows or anything but he had a huge book shelf with a few on the top written in african languages. It was a basic loft, nothing personal like family pictures or anything like that was in sight.

"Ill be back imma go get something for...this" he tells me but im barely paying any attention fascinated by his apartment. I mumble a small "mmk" before being nosy and walking further into his living room. He had a remote...but no t.v. Me being the curious person i am i pick it up pressing buttons until i hear something moving behind me i turn around and see the walls rising to reveal the sunset happening behind me. Not really to impressed i push another button making another wall rise revealing a large flat screen television xbox and sound system. Pressing the button on the controller a game pops up on the screen; mortal combat. I smile and pick up the controller picking the female character as who i want and starting the game.

Becoming so engrossed in it i barely notice when Erik comes back.

"Aye so this was what i found...i leave you alone for two seconds and you start pressing buttons and prying" he ask annoyed and i cant tell if he's serious or not but i dont care.

"Yes, can you like...shhh youre distracting me" i wave him off completely into the game. Violently pressing the buttons i begin getting frustrated...this game was cheating so bad.

"Im over here bleeding out and youre more worried about a game" he ask standing infront of the t.v making me groan when the controller vibrates letting me know i lost.

"Fine fine" i huff in frustration tossing the controller on the couch and snatching the peroxide, cotton balls and gauze wrap from him earning a growl.

"I knew you were such a dog" i tease walking to  the kitchen him not to far behind. Turning on the cold water to wash off the dried off blood he hisses, if he think that stings i cant wait to poor peroxide on it. After many of his hisses, pouting,glares and smart comments i finally had his hand wrapped up.

Shaking the memory from my head, With my headphones covering my ears i climb up onto the chin up bar and swing my legs over to do sit ups. I knew when i came to the gym i irritated many of the guys here because their strength and stamina was nothing compared to mine.  im sure i oblitirated many of their ego's. Ive never met men whos masculinity was so fragile they felt intimidated by a strong woman instead of motivated or happy for her.

I was on my fifth set when someone climbed next to me and was able to keep up with my speed even as i got to my 6th set. There was only one person i knew who was able to do that and possibly out do me if he really wanted. Sliding the beats off of one ear with out stopping i finally speak to him.

"Still stalking me"

"Of course princess, couldnt get enough of those shorts" he challenges and i know for a fact he's smirking. Flipping backwards off the bar i drop into a push up position and its not long before he follows of course trying to make it a competition. I grin noticing im going faster than him and i get ready to brag when i notice he's only using one arm. The cocky smirk never leaves his face when he realized i completely stopped.

"Whats the matter baby? Cant do one arm push ups?" He ask. The answer was no, ive never been able to honestly but i wasnt going to tell Erik of all people that.  However i do notice the arm he isnt using is the one the was wrapped in gauze and instead of it being placed behind his back like when most people do its clutched to his side.

"Ive never seen you do a one arm push up, but for my memory remind me how you look when you do two arms" i say with a raised eyebrow and he slows down.

"...cant i just work out in arm is fine" he lies his playful demeanor now gone as he stares out the window picking up his pace.

"Ok. I just wouldnt want you to over work your good arm and then its nearly impossible for you to do anything but your arm is fine so no big deal" i shrug getting up and going to get a sip of water from my bottle.

"So hypothetically speaking what do you recommend a person who's stressed and needs to relax do then?" He ask following me and i turn to face him with a mischievous grin.

"Take a bubble bath with some nice candles and theraputic mus-" i laugh at the look on his face its one of his famous glares that usually scares other people away. To me he looks like a little baby bear with his dimples poking out.

"Do i look like the type to take bubble bath" he growls at me and i cant stop laughing now because a few people are now looking at him.

"You said hypothetically speaking" i giggle trying to stop laughing but once i see the smile growing on his face i cant help but to laugh again. "But if you did hurt your arm id say go to the nurse so she can help-"

"Fuck no"

"Erik youre going to hurt it more" i tell him but of course hes so hard headed. Once his mind is made up thats it.

"Whatever" he shrugs not even listening any more and walking back to the pull up bar. I swear hes going to get himself killed one day thinking hes so tough and invinceable.

"You could work on your legs" i call out to him and he sends me a grin before making a detour to the bikes and i slowly follow until  my arm is gently grabbed. I turn around ready to swing when i see its only aaron.

"Oh hey" i smile up at him but i notice he's shirtless revealing his tattoos and i quickly look back up at his eyes.  A few days after the pizzeria situation he found me and apologized for not defending me and just leaving after the situation.

"Hey you look nice" he smiles and i thank bas for my chocolate skin so he cant see my blush. He licks his lips eyeing my body when i feel a pressence behind me. Aarons wholebody languages changes from confident to awkward socially impared 13 year old boy.

"Aye you ready for this workout or you going to flirt with his goofy ass all day" Erik ask his voice deeper and darker then ever, his arms crossed and eyes menacing with a slight scowl on his face.

"I'll uh... C-catch up with you lat-later" Aaron says quickly walking off and erik turns around like he didnt do anything.

"Dont look at me like that, hes not good enough for you and everybody knows it" he shrugs climbing on the bike. I go to protest when he glares at me. "Some preppy ass white boy that has everything handed to him his daddy is paying his way through school cause he been on academic probation since he got in, hes hell he would never be able to keep up or understand you but i guess you just want their acceptance so bad youd do anything to please-"

Im not sure if its what he says or how he says it so condescendingly or maybe both, that strikes a nerve in me but my palm flys across his face faster them either of us knowing until i feel the sting in my hand and his head snaps to the side.

"Just because youre mad at the world and take your anger out on everyone, doesnt mean you can talk to ME like that" i grit out my teeth clenching before i storm out ignoring the fact that every set of eyes was now on us.

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