Chapter 36

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Chapter 36
And they were roommates



"Wait..babe...fuuuuuck" Erik drags out as we both climax at the same time before i collapse on his chest breathing heavy and my hair frizzy as hell. I lay there for a second eyes closed as his fingers gently run up and down my back.

"I said fast but not that fast" he finally says after he comes down from his high his hand now massaging my butt.

"You also said a quickie and that was two hours ago" i smirk up at him leaning up to peck his lips. He quickly changes it into something more as he sucks on my bottom lip before our tounges clash and im very much enjoying it until i feel him getting hard inside me. "No were not having sex again were already going to be late" i tell him seriously but he gives one thrust and stares at me intently with those dark eyes.

A moan slips out and quickly i bite my lip and close my eyes to avoid being any further seduced by him. But i know the minute he puts his lips on my neck im done and we werent leaving this bed.

"Fuck it, we can be late" i moan when he sucks right above my collar bone. He chuckles against my neck before rolling us over and giving us a reason to be late.

Standing in the bathroom mirror halfway through the makeup process i ignore eriks singing from the living room until he bust in the bathroom and begins singing. I never seen this side of erik until i started living with him and i kinda liked it. The boy was goofy as hell, and you wouldnt expect a guy of his physique to play this much.

"I just wanna see you dance in slow motion" he sings kissing my neck doing some goofy dance behind me with his hands on my hips. I push him off glairing at him through the mirror.

"Dont you see me trying to do my makeup?" I snap switching my brushes but he pays me no mind and instead keeps dancing.

"Dont you see me trying to sing to you?" He snaps back taking my brush out my hand and grabbing the cup filled with them out of my reach before i could grab it.

"You sound horrible and not like trey songz now give me back my brushes!" I yell becoming angry he was playing like we werent already late. Because of him my hair and makeup i did earlier got messed up and now he was still playing games.

"Not until you tell me i sound better then him and you going to buy my mixtape the features my interlude i sing on" he demands and i cant help but laugh even though i was angry.

"Erik!" I yell through a laugh which only encourages him. He begins singing even louder holding my brushes higher out of my reach making me punch his back though theyre weak due to me laughing so hard. This is exactly what i ment when i said you never know a person until you live with them. I stop and just glare at him waiting for him to realize im not playing but he makes it hard for me to not laughing when he does some weird little shimmy.

Bast give me patience cause if you give me strength i will beat the hell out of him. He chuckles when he sees the look of defeat and small smile before giving me back my brushes.

"Why are you being so extra and goofy?" I ask with a smile when i notice hes watching me do my makeup. When i notice him stairing i cant help the awkward smile. "W-what?" I ask curiously but he just comes closer to me.

"What? Now i cant look at your fine ass? Looking like a hershey bar, matter fact a snickers with no nuts i know you dont like those but dont worry ill give you that later tonight when we get back" he smirks and i cant help the laugh that comes out as i grab his arm and push him out the bathroom. "Damn baby you aint even gon' say thanks?" He ask resisting against my push and i laugh as i give a quick thanks.

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