Redemption 47 : Part 1

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Chapter 47 part 1
Family secrets

As promised there wont be any more pot stirring ive done that long enough just time for yall to see what ive been cookin

3rd person

For the past 4 days Erik had been making himself busy to avoid Mal he knew it was childish but this was one situation he'd rather not face. Yet again he was being selfish and he knew it but he felt it was easier to not think about it at all then stress about it.

"Did you beat up the guard that was stairing at Malika?" Shuri ask him she already knew the answer and honestly just needed confirmation for the...research she was doing on the pair.

"Yup and ill do it again" he growls out from the work station he was sitting at tinkering around with things he had no business touching, especially since he had no idea of vibraniums full power.

Also he was off to a bad start of letting Mal move on, how was he suppose to do that when out of impulse he beat somebody up for stairing at her from across the room when she was gaining weight in all the right places. He had been scolding himself about it all day.

"Subject is over protective and appears to be unapologetic also extra snappy today. Maybe he needs some catnip" she jokes into the voice recorder before powering it down when she seems to get no response except an eye roll. By this point Shuri knew of N'jadakas come backs she enjoyed them.

"You energy isnt turnt, Whats the matter cousin?" She ask curiously taking a seat next to him not paying any attention to his little invention. He was to much in his own world to correct her poor use of aave and thats when she knew something was genuinely bothering him.

"Nothing shuri" he blatantly lies not looking up from the screwdriver.

"Subject is also a terrible liar" she speaks into her recorder again making him crack a smile. Shuri enjoyed having a cousin— no, she enjoyed having N'jadaka as her cousin. She enjoyed their jokes, how he taught her american slang, style and music, his appreciation of technology and the pranks. She lived for the pranks they played on eachother and over the past 2 days he had tried many of her expirements, mainly as a way to busy himself.

"Im ok shuri" he reasures though he doesnt make eye contact which is his dead give away that hes not ok.

"Great, because i demand an apology for being glued to the wall" she crosses her arm though she was the least bit upset. Shuri had found it amusing and the only reason she had been found was because one of the dora milaje heard her screaming laughter.

"Right after you apologize for throwing a big ass ball of yarn at me" he scolds playfully with a side eye taking his invention apart.

"You glued me upside down! And i had to pee" she squeals but her cousin is quick to answer.

"The ball of yarn wraped itself around me and it took me a hour to get out!" He yells finally glairing at shuri who stands jaw dropped at his explosion as she slowly lifts the recorder to her mouth.

"Subject did not enjoy yarn" she speaks before her and N'jadaka burst out laughing as he throws a crumbled up piece of paper at her and shuri feels a happiness she hasnt felt since... its been a long time. She enjoys spending time with N'jadaka which is something she thought she never admit, its more than just pranks though. She enjoys that he genuinely takes time out of his day to spend with her.

She enjoys the way hes not uptight like T'challa and encourages all her bad ideas instead of the scolding. She enjoys having someone as smart as her to ask for ideas on her new creations and updates. She was happy to know it wasnt just some scheme to get close and take them down because the night of the ceremony at the sound of her scream he ran to her defense and killed the man with no second thought to protect her.

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