Chapter 6

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Chapter 6
Volunteer your services

September 30th, 2015

"So what youre saying is you spent the whole night with Erik...and didnt smash. This is ridiculous maybe yall love for eachother isnt as strong as i thought...or you two are just stubborn as hell" Amara shrugs and i almost punch her in the face. She had been worried when i didnt come home last night and blew up my phone that i somehow left in Eriks car. So when i walked back into the apartment we shared wearing Eriks hoodie because it had still been raining a little bit this morning, she was shooting questions at me back to back.

"Amara can we drop it thats was literally 6 hours ago and for the hundreth time we stayed up did homework and played video games all night" i huff tucking my red t-shirt back in my jean shorts. I never thought id spend a night with him and i honestly didnt want to linger on it, now wasnt the time especially when we were suppouse to be raising awareness for parentless kids here in Washington. All of us had on bright red Tshirts to grab peoples attention and booths were set up all over campus to pass out flyers, collect donations of clothes and money and get volunteers to help them out once a week with things like homework or even someone to hang out with.

"Seems like your prince charming couldnt get enough of you last night" Amara squeals in excitement and i turn around seeing none other then erik but behind him is luca who looks alot smaller in comparison to him. Luca also has on a red shirt but he has ripped black jeans a army jacket and some extremely expensive sneakers on. Of course he had to come stylish.

"Luca i thought you were holding down the other booth?" I ask confused what he was doing on this side.

"I heald it all my fliers passed out put some up on boards in the halls got all my money jugs filled and got a roster filled with volunteers. I also stopped for sushi" he grins holding up a bag. I stick my tounge out in disgust because him and amara both knew i hated raw fish unlike the two of them who bonded over it.

"Go eat your poison fish i can hold it down for 30 minutes by myself" i grin sending amara a sneaky wink which im sure luca saw but didnt acknowledge. As they walk off i start handing out flyers to people who walk past and get a few more volunteers ignoring erik. Its not that i was mad or annoyed with him (yet) but i had more important things to worry about.

"Whats all this for anyway?" He ask finally speaking up.

"Helping out orphans" i tell him as another guy comes and signs up to be a volunteer.

"Why?" He ask again and i scoff. Of course he wouldnt understand.

Before i could respond 2 young girls, probably freshman came up to me hugged me. It was a weird and unexpected mainly because i didnt know them but apparently they knew me.

"Oh hey guys, how are you?" I smile hugging them back and they slowly pull away.

"Its really amazing what youre doing and i know you probably dont remember me but i was one of the kids back at the boys and girls club in massachusetts" she begins and i know where shes going with this. "Im nala and this is my younger sister naveah and you helped us get out of the abusive household we was in, not just us but alot of kids alot of our friends you helped us get back into school and i never thought we'd see you again but i want to apologize. I was so mean and rude but that never stopped you from helping or protecting us" she says tearing up and i cant help but to smile.

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