Chapter 13

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Chapter 13
What are thooose

I always knew Erik would be the death of me, from the first day i met him i just didnt think it would be from sleep deprivation. For the past 3 days he slept for a few hours durring the day stayd up all night and because im see him how i see kendall now of course all i want to do is help him no matter how much of a jerk he is...even if that meant being there for him when he needed and staying up all night playing games.

It was 1am and this was usually around the time erik came out his room to play video games except he didnt. When a half hour goes by i walk into his room and see him layed across his bed and still has his clothes on from earlier. His room is everything i expected but at the same time nothing i expected. I expected it to be neat and dark but not so big and decorated.

"If youre going to fake sleep atleast know that i watched you fall asleep for the past 4 days and i know what you look like when youre sleeping" i tell him and he sends me the middle finger. Oh so it was that kind of night. He mumbled something that sounded like a get out but due to his face being burried in a pillow i act like i cant hear him and instead climbed into his bed immidiately humming in comfort when i sink in.

He pulls the pillow closer to his face and i think nothing of it as i sit on his back and begin to twist his dreads into little bantu knots as gently as possible not to hurt his tender headed crybaby scalp. Its when his breathing gets shallow and his grip on the pillow loosens that i know he's asleep. Staying up in the middle of the night is when you really get to know a person and in a way we did get comfortable with eachother, well comfortable enough for me to climb in his bed and sit on him and him comfortable enough to allow it even though he said i wasnt allowed in his room.

Moving off him my foot hits the remote making the t.v come on revealing what he was watching last and it looks like some anime show, its in japanese but with english subtitles. I lean back wraping my blanket tighter around me as i start it from the begining. Erik stirs slightly in his sleep and i think its because hes suffocating with the pillow blocking his face until i pull it away and notice the dry tear marks on his face. My heart instantly sinks to my stomach at the thought of him crying and when i really think about who he really is. He was so angry at the world and closed himself off from basically everyone so when he was going through something he had nobody to talk to nobody to understand and nobody to be there for him. No matter how tough he pretended to be and how much he pushed people away im sure he wish he had one person on his side just one.

Returning my attention back to the t.v. Im suddenly amused by it. This was what he did in his spare time and probably how he learned to speak japanese in the first place. I turn down the volume lean back against his head board and extend my legs across his ignoring the burning feeling in my eyes from being tired.

"Malika!" I hear and flinch out my sleep seeing it was no longer dark but bright and sunny the time on the clock also read 7:45 which ment i had 2 and 1/2 hours to get ready for class. Way to comfortable i tell myself i can just bum it today get dressed put my hair in a ponytail and grab breakfast on the way before i pull the blanket over my head not even remembering why i woke up in the first place. The covers are ripped off of me and i shiver at the immidiate coldness i feel since i was only wearing satin shorts and a crop top.

"Wake your ass up! The fuck did i tell you about that make up shit yo. Your fucking foundation brush almost killed me! Next time im throwing it all in the trash and that sparkly shit is everywhere malika" he yells and i pull the pillow over my head trying to ignore his annoying voice. He couldve found another time to tell me about that not when i was trying to sleep. The pillow is torn away and i jump up ready to attack when i notice his hair is still in bantu knots except some came undone so he looks like angelicas doll from the rugrats. The laugh comes out and once i start i cant stop every time i look at him i laugh harder until i feel tears streaming down my face. He looks so confused until he looks in the mirror before attacking me with the pillow which only makes me laugh harder because imagine what her doll would look like trying to beat someone with a pillow.

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