Chapter 35

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Chapter 35
Turning point

(A/n: big credits to Lovinmyfro for her character which contributed to the plot for the last two chapters that lead up to smut)

"Hello, old friend" she says and i watch as she twirls the bat around skillfully which throws me off because her hand eye cordination was nonexistant.

"Amara?! The hell are you doing its me" i alarm her from where i landed on the floor, and not some person who broke in but she swings the bat again this time missing. She smirks but doesnt stop swinging for me.

"Im very well aware of who you are Malika or should i say heir to the border tribe of wakanda or perhaps little warrior?" She ask with a wicked grin making a sick feeling rise in my stomach, not because of the grin but because she was working for klaue this whole time. And heir to the border tribe? They had me confused with Wakabi.

"Ive been watching you for a whole year and NOTHING. Infiltrated all your activities, became apart of your little circle of friends even dated that annoying ass Luca...ugh he was so weak and flamboyant" she admitts with a disgusted scowl before continuing. "You were suppose to lead me to the vibranium you took from us, suppose to slip up and get caught on camera so i can expose wakanda" she snaps in fury slamming down the bat pulling off her fake afro wig revealing a head of jet black bra strap length straight hair.

"What did the thief promise you?" I sneer still somewhat frozen in shock, betrayal and dissapointment but i knew i had to hear the ulterior motive. I send a sneaky 'SOS' to Okoye while shes distracted with her monologue knowing i could only do as much as contain her.

"Not all of us come from a line of royalty or have things handed to us...." she rants running a hand through her hair before turning around and begining to pace. "Some of us have to work for things, some of us have to get our hands dirty and SOME of us have to be the bread winners for our families. You dont have much of that these you?" She ask with a sly smirk on her crusty lips.

I cant take it anymore and i snap! You can talk about me all you want but not my family...not even Wakabi. Charging at her i duck the bat she swings at my head and kick my foot up to her chin making her fly back and drop the bat. Following her i deliver blows which she dodges most of because apart of me still remembers her as a friend, still remember her as someone i had cared for. But her comment of my family comes back and i grab her by the neck slamming her into the door before repeatedly banging her head on the door frame and tossing her down to the wooden floor.

"You big dumb ass! You really think youre a match for me, huh?!" I ask kicking her in her back. Her body falls with a thud but i doesnt stop her from trying to crawl away. "Klaue knows i can beat your ass easily youre a sheep in a wolfs world, youre new to this and im true to this, i've been fighting scum like you my whole life" i growl kicking her over and over before i spot the bat.

"Thats right kill me like the savage you are. Kill me the same way klaue killed your parents! Wasnt it a knife to the knife to the neck and a bullet to the head?" She provokes with a bloody mouth and dark eyes. I aim the bat at her head a swing ready to end her life when the wood connects with something sharp and shatters into hundreds of wood chips. Turning i see the culprit whos holding the metal staff is none other then okoye and two men who had attended with her lastly as apart of the clean up crew.

"What, couldnt handle me alone?!" Amara chides one last time and i go to finish her when okoye grabs me roughly and pulls me to the side sending me the same warning look a mother sends a child.

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