Redemption 49

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Chapter 49
Family man

Now before yall kill me for going missing i was struggling with this, the first time i lost the whole chapter, second time i couldnt remember everything i wrote so it was messy and then here the third time its still kind of a hot mess but its cute, if yall want a part two thats less of a group of flashbacks and more of a chapter im down just let me know.

Also lmaoooo at the raggamuffin who tried to come for me for not liking incest (yall remember back in the begining chapters i said i didnt like it and dont know how people even write it)

Also lmaoooo at the raggamuffin who tried to come for me for not liking incest (yall remember back in the begining chapters i said i didnt like it and dont know how people even write it)

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You dont gotta like me but you damn sure gon respect me. PERIODT. And shout out to kingchalcedony and m( the other girl who defended me but i cant remember her name) yall real ones. Now lets get into redemption:

The first time N'jadaka sees his daughter he cries. Not because he was worried about being a good dad, he was to cocky for that. It was because he was overwhelmed, how could you see a person for the first time and have so much love for them?

"Daddy loves you so much N'jahzara, and i promise to make sure you have the best...better then me. And youre going to be so smart, i know my baby girl is going to be as strong as her daddy as beautiful as her mama and as smart as her brother" he humms to her cradling her as he sways around the room. Malika layed in the hospital bed watching with a sleepy smile but she didnt want to sleep, she couldnt miss a moment of this.

Ramonda had a huge grin as she heald Mals hand sitting in a chair next to the bed. T'challa shuri and Kendall slowly eased into the room ready to see the new addition to their family. Climbing into the bed next to Mal, kendall yawns as malika wraps her arms around him. If you didnt know the story of kendall you would have sworn he was malikas actuall son including their matching facial expressions and rich skin tone.

N'jahzara lets out a smile hearing N'jadaka speak which is what makes him break down into tears. Everyone knew in that moment he was as wrapped around her finger as he was Malikas.

Even when the sun dwindles into the night sky and the moon makes an appearance N'jadaka doesnt put his daughter down. He sits down on the couch that kendall was sprawled on lifting his legs placing them in his lap as he craddles his daughter never taking his eyes off of her. 

N'jadaka didnt know it yet but that was one of the many times his daughter would have him wrapped around her finger.

6 months later.
N'jahzara had the whole palace wrapped around her finger and i was convinced she knew it. She came from a family of geniuses so i knew she was smarter then she let on. And the way she smirked whenever somebody picked her up reminded me to much of how N'jadaka smirked when he got his way.

She was begining to sleep through the night but there was nights when she was up every hour. Except that night had been the past 3 nights. She was fed, changed, the room at the perfect temperature and her night light had been displaying the solar system on her ceiling Courtesy of kendall so she had no reason to be crying right now.

Redemption• E. KillmongerWhere stories live. Discover now