Redemption 43

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Chapter 43
It takes a village

Jumping up to the sound of loud ringing i nearly fall out the bed if it wasnt for my quick reflexes. Rubbing my eyes i notice the shrill sound is from a video message sent to me by shuri. Sitting up i press play to display the hologram of shuri in what looks like a dungeon.

"You think killing klaue is going to make things better between you and her, my sister hates your guts right now!" Wakabis voice blares and i turn down the volume some as i stare in confusion, did shuri know she recorded this?

"Thats cause Malika doesnt know king T'chala killed my father, clawed his way through his chest and left him there. They took my so called uncle and left me there to find his body and after she told me what happened with klaue im sure she can understand why im so fuckin angry. And while she might be pissed malika could never hate me. If she do? fine, you saying that like thats suppose to change my feelings for her" erik growls and i gasp throwing the covers off of me. T'challas dad killed his own brother? And left N'jadaka to fend for himself while they sat here living lavish pretending everything was ok? Eriks anger and action were begining to make sense, im not saying everything he did was right but it made sense.

"Came down here to give your big cousin a visit?" Erik antagonizes and i shake my head, there was no doubt in my mind erik wouldnt stoop that low to bother someone even at his worst but i also feel as though he sees shuri as his cousin still and is picking on her like family does.

"I told you, youd never be king your heart is to dark and unpure" she antagonizes him back and i silently cheer for her. "You could never be king with your violent bad intent tyrant asshead" she insults relentlessly but he laughs and i let out a giggle of my own.

"First of all if your going to insult me, insult me right. Its not ass head its head ass, i had to teach malika that too" he snorts and i watch closesly as he plays with the chain that heald his fathers ring and the fake ring he gave me, i couldnt believe he still had it.

"Thats cause Malika is dense, she thinks she knows everything and really knows nothing" wakabi scoffs playing with a ball earning a eye roll from me.

"Watch your fuckin mouth" erik threatens filling me with a sense of pride as he defends me no matter what.

"Why do you speak so highly of that brat?" Wakabi scoffs annoyance and hatred clear in his voice and i feel the anger boiling in me all over again. I never understood what i ever did to make my brother hate me so much.

"That brat is your sister!" Shuri snaps but erik quickly jumps in.

"That brat? Is twice as smart as you, that brat? Can beat your ass senseless in 20 seconds or less. That brat? Did more for your country in 5 years than you did in your whole life. That brat is my fucking girl and the next time you say some shit about her out your mouth you gon' be picking your teeth up off the floor, aight?" Erik threatens and the anger i felt is simmered down by the pride i have seeing erik defend me and the way my heart flutters how he still calls me his girl. This didnt fix anything or take away the sadness i felt but it made me feel better.

The video ends and its followed by a event reminder for N'jadakas sentencing at 9am. checking the clock on my wall i notice its 9:35 and i quickly run to my closet trying to find something decent but the only thing i could find was outfits from before i left all those years ago. Pulling open my suit cases i settle on a black dress with a rhinestone studded belt covered by a golden floor length silk duster rob.

Redemption• E. KillmongerWhere stories live. Discover now